78289 - Agriculture Meteorology And Ecology

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Moduli: Francesca Ventura (Modulo Mod 1) Elisa Guerra (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Ornamental plants and landscape protection (cod. 8523)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student knows the main meteorological parameters, the concepts of interaction between plant organisms in agro and natural ecosystems to define the conditions of eco-sustainability. It acquires the elements to elaborate its own opinion on the current environmental problems of agricultural interest (climate change and pollution, etc.). In particular, the student is able to carry out the measurements with the most suitable tools and to process the results, as well as to calculate water balances and the water requirements of the main species of interest in ornamental green, sports and landscape.

Course contents

The program is made up of two parts, the first by Prof. Ventura, the second by Prof. Guerra:

1. Prof. Ventura, 2 CFU, introduction to Agrometeorology and Agroclimatology

1. Earth's atmosphere

- introduction to the course, agrometeorological quantities

- The structure of the atmosphere, atmospheric dynamics

- Solar radiation, the laws of radiation, energy balance

- Thermal sum, phenology, plant areas

- introduction to Climatology, climatology or meteorology?

- Climate Change

- Mitigation and adaptation to climate change

- Urban microclimate

Prof. Guerra (3CFU): Agroecology and applications to ornamental plants and landscape

2. Plants and environment

- Weather station and instruments, data processing

- Reference evapotranspiration, evapotranspiration of ornamental crops and urban / sports green

- Water balance and irrigation

3. Applied ecology

- Resources, organisms, habitats, introduction and definitions

- Trophic chains and ecological niche, ecosystems

- Water, carbon and nitrogen cycles

- Ecology and sustainability, atmospheric pollution and mitigation

Exercises will be carried out in class and a visit to a meteorological station and a collection of historical instruments.



• Ventura F., Rossi Pisa P., 2006. Strumenti per l'agrometeorologia. Aracne Editrice, Roma.


• Ceccon P., Borin M.: Elementi di Agrometeorologia e Agroclimatologia, IMPRIMITUR, 1995;


• Baldoni G., Ecologia ed Agricoltura, Edagricole, Bologna, 1998


Teaching methods

The course consists of theoretical frontal lessons, field exercises, which show agrometeorological tools, educational excursions, expert seminars on specific topics.

Assessment methods

Exam: written test lasting 1h without the help of notes or books.

The written test consists of 6 exercises and open questions.

Each question allows to get a maximum score of 5 points.

Exercises are performed in classroom, as training for the written exam

Students wishing to take the exam in English must request it at least two days before the exam.

Six dates per year, two of which at the beginning of 2020, one in January the other in February before the beginning of the second semester.

Office hours

See the website of Francesca Ventura

See the website of Elisa Guerra


Clean water and sanitation Sustainable cities Climate Action

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.