72711 - Biotechnologies Applied to Animal Reproduction, Genetic Engineering and Cloning

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Animal Biotechnology (cod. 8522)

Learning outcomes

The student will learn developmental biology epigenetics of gametes and embryos in physiological and pathological conditions. The student will be able to perform collection, handling, preservation of gametes and embryos of livestock species. Assisted reproductive techniques, sexing of embryos, nuclear transfer cloning. Genetic engineering of livestock species. Set up and management of laboratory and equipment for assisted reproduction. The student will learn to work in a team and work in a laboratory. He/she will be able to understand the impact on health and welfare on the animals of the techniques both for agriculture and biomedical applications.

Course contents

Prerequisites: The student who accesses this teaching already knows the aspects related to the normal morphology and physiology of the male and female reproductive system as well as the basics of embryology. It is necessary that the student has the understanding of the spoken and written English language to allow the reading of slides (which the teacher could use in class) and of extracts from publications, scientific and manual texts, as well as watching videos.

Since this is a Master's Degree Program with students from different three-year courses and from different locations, the first day of the course will be submitted to students with a self-assessment questionnaire of previous knowledge in the topics that will be addressed in the course and of interest. The topics that will already be acquired will be discussed with Kahoot during the lectures.

The course program is structured as follows:

Laboratory and equipment management necessary for assisted reproduction, quality control. National and international legislation on animal reproduction.Oestrous detection, induction of ovulation in livestock species. Collection and preservation of male gametes. Sperm evaluation. Artificial insemination in livestock animals. In vivo embryo production by superovulation and uterine flushing.Collection, classification, handling and preservation of female gametes.n vitro embryo production: in vitro oocyte maturation, in vitro fertilization, microfertilisation (ICSI), embryo culture. Morphological evaluation, grading, sexing, cryopreservation and transfer of embryos. Embryo development and epigenetic mechanisms. Embryonic and fetal loss. Maternal recognition of pregnancy. Pregnancy maintenance. Pregnancy diagnosis.  Principles and techniques of animal cloning by nuclear transfer. Genetic engineering of large animals, potential and practical applications. Genetic engineering of animal models of human diseases, for protein of pharmacological use or for organs and tissues for xenotransplantation. Effects on health and welfare of animals. Regulatory aspects.

The program in detail (Syllabus) is available on the Study Program website.


The teaching material consists of the recommended textbooks, and the material (Slides presented in lessons updated every year; scientific articles and reviews found by the teacher in international journals and relevant to the learning of the subject) made available to students in the a specific website https://iol.unibo.it/course/ or by connecting to the teacher website https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/eleonora.iacono2/didattica.

Reading the articles provided by the teacher is strongly recommended for the purpose of preparing for the exam.

1. Hafez, B & Hafez ESE. Reproduction in farm animals, 7th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008. ISBN 0-683-30577-8

2. Gordon, I. Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals, CABI-Publishing, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, 2004. ISBN 0 85199 862 3.

3. Spelta, R & Corbella, E. Tecniche di fecondazione artificiale. CittàStudiEdizioni / UTET Diffusione srl, 2003. ISBN 88-251-0118-X.

4. Gordon, I. Laboratory Production of Cattle Embryos, 2nd Edition. Biotechnology in Agriculture Series, No 27 Ireland , September 2003, 592 pages HB 0851996663

5. McKKinnon A.O.,Voss J.L., Equine Reproduction , Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia 1997.

Slides and papers provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

Lectures with power-point presentation support to deliver information, ideas and theories on animal reproduction and connected technologies of main livestock species. Classes will be complemented by practical laboratory sessions to give an insight into a working environment, knowledge of experimental methods and techniques and an understanding of academic material taught on the course. These sessions will be hands on so that each student can immediately practice what he /she has been shown or taught during lectures with the equipment available. During the week of exercise, the students, in groups of 5/6, must submit a research project (the bibliography, objective, materials and methods, aim to be achieved) power point taking a cue from one of the topics covered in class.During the hours of practice there will be an educational visit at the National Institute of Artificial Fertilization (INFA).

Assessment methods

There will be an oral examination that will consists of questions to assess what the student has learnt during lectures and the techniques that have been practiced during training in the teaching laboratory.In the final evaluation and drafting of the questions the teacher will take into account the presentation made to exercise.

Teaching tools

Use of PC with multimedia projector, videos, clickers, scientific publications in specialized journals, specialized web sites. For laboratory sessions specialized equipment will be used for recovery, handling, manipulation and for cell culture.

Office hours

See the website of Eleonora Iacono


Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.