37356 - Local Social Service Organization

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Social Work (cod. 8040)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will have the basic elements for understanding the organization and networking of social and health local services as well as the operation logic in relation to the aims in the provision of services to people.

Course contents

In the first part of the course the history of social intervention in Italy will be introduced, from the charities to the rise and crisis of welfare state. The major social policy reforms will be outlined until the approval of the national law 328/2000 and the amendments to the title V of Part II of the Italian Constitution. Subsequently, the main elements that characterize the territorial organization of the network of health and social services will be illustrated, with specific reference to the regional context of Emilia-Romagna.

In the second part specific aspects of the Territorial Social Service will be dealt with: ways of managing and producing services; institutional level integration; social and health integration; territorial re-organization paths in a comparative perspective; deepening of thematic areas (LTC, migrants reception system, etc.) in the various institutional contexts.


Rossi P. (2014). L'organizzazione dei servizi socio-assistenziali. Istituzioni, professionisti e assetti di regolazione. Roma: Carocci.

G. Bissolo, L. Fazzi, (2012) Costruire l'integrazione socio-sanitaria. Attori, strumenti, metodi, Carocci, Roma (chap. 1-5)

Suggested bibliography

Olivetti Manoukian F. (2015). Oltre la crisi. Cambiamenti possibili nei Servizi sociosanitari. Milano: Guerini e Associati

Franzoni F., Anconelli M. (2014). La rete dei servizi alla persona. Dalla normativa all’organizzazione. Roma: Carocci

Teaching methods

Lectures and seminars.

Assessment methods

Written examination (open questions).

It will produce excellent valuations: the ability to deepen and put into connection with each other the main issues addressed in the course; the use of appropriate language with the specific nature of the discipline.

It will produce discrete valuations: mnemonic knowledge of contents and partial ability to link the themes covered; the use of appropriate language.

It will produce sufficient valuations: a minimal body of knowledge on the topics covered; the use of inappropriate language.

It will produce negative valuations: lack of guidance within the themes addressed in the exam readings and training gaps; the use of inappropriate Language.

Teaching tools

Slides and other stuff for deepening issues available at the teaching stuff online site.

Office hours

See the website of Barbara Giullari