04164 - Teaching of Modern Languages

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Greta Zanoni
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-LIN/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the basic principles related to teaching / learning foreign languages. He/She is able to use some teaching techniques and to monitor the development of his/her own learning. He/she is able to independently develop further knowledge and skills in the specific disciplinary area and to use them appropriately

Course contents

The course aims to address the following topics:
- the main theories relating to the learning of mother and secondary languages;
- the general teaching principles of modern languages;
- language learning through interaction;
- teaching pragmatics;
- task-based teaching;
- the use of technologies to learn / teach languages.


A) Ciliberti A. (2012) Glottodidattica: per una cultura dell'insegnamento linguistico (Presentazione pp. 15-18; cap. 1 Conoscenze teoriche pp.21-40; cap. 2 Ipotesi teoriche relative all’apprendimento di una L2 pp. 41-60; cap. 7 Educazione ai nuovi media pp.135-154; cap. 8 L’organizzazione di un corso di lingua pp.155-172).

B) Nuzzo E., Grassi R. (2016) Input, output e interazione nell'insegnamento delle lingue. (Cap. 3 L'intervento sull'output pp.93-122)

C) An article chosen from the following suggested on teaching pragmatics:

- Taguchi N. (2011). Teaching pragmatics: trends and issues. In Annual review of Applied Linguistics, 31, 2011. (pp 289-310)

- Kasper, G. (1997). Can pragmatic competence be taught? [see the document here [http://www.nflrc.hawaii.edu/NetWorks/NW06/]

- Ferrari S., Nuzzo E. e Zanoni G. (2016). Sviluppare le competenze pragmatiche in L2 in rete: problemi teorici e soluzioni pratiche nella progettazione dell’ambiente multimediale LIRA in Cristiana, Cervini (a cura di) Interdisciplinarità e apprendimento linguistico nei nuovi contesti formativi. L'apprendente di lingue tra tradizione e innovazione. <http://amsacta.unibo.it/5069/> Bologna: Quaderni del CeSLiC - Centro di Studi Linguistico-Culturali (CeSLiC), (pp 5-20). [see the document here[http://amsacta.unibo.it/5069/1/Volume%2520CeSLiC.pdf]

D) An article chosen from the following suggested on teaching by task:

- Van den Branden, K. (2016) “Task-based language teaching”, in Hall, G. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teaching, New York: Routledge, pp. 238-251.

- Nuzzo E., Ferrari S. (2012) Insegnare la grammatica italiana con i task in L. Corrà, W. Paschetto (a cura di), La Grammatica a Scuola. Franco Angeli Editore. (pp. 284-295)

- Birello M., Odelli E. e Vilagrasa A. (2017) A lezione con i task: fra teoria e operatività, in EL.LE vol. 6 n. 2 pp. 199-215 see the document here[https://edizionicafoscari.unive.it/media/pdf/article/elle/2017/2numero-monografico/art-10.14277-2280-6792-ELLE-6-2-17-1_CjbqOGT.pdf]

E) The study of the slides projected in class is an integral part of the exam program (the slides are downloadable from Moodle).

Teaching methods

Lessons with workshop activities and seminar meetings.

Assessment methods

The exam consists of an oral interview which aims to evaluate the knowledge acquired by the student in relation to the theoretical aspects that characterize the teaching of modern languages.

Teaching tools

During the lessons, additional supports will be used and provided, including audiovisual tools, power points, websites, e-learning resources for language learning and teaching.

Office hours

See the website of Greta Zanoni