13180 - Theory of Socialisation Processes

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Giovanni Pieretti
  • Credits: 9
  • SSD: SPS/07
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Social Work (cod. 8040)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will be able to: know the most important aspects of socialisation from a sociological point of view; understand and implement the concept of socialisation at individual and collective level; use the theoretical framework that will be provided, with particular attention to some classic sociological approaches.

Course contents

The aim of this course is giving a background about some general aspects and problems in socialisation processes. First, an introduction to the concept of socialisation will be given, with particular attention to the exceptions as well as the individual and collective actors who are involved. Some theories of classic sociological authors (Pareto, Durkheim, Weber, and Parsons) will be used as introduction. Some examples of socialization processes from the recommended reading will also be introduced and analyzed.




- N. Bottura, S. Bovi, G. Pieretti, Comunità terapeutica e comunità locale. Dalla vulnerabilità alla condivisione, Angeli, Milano, 2016.

- G. Pieretti (a cura di), Democrazia e cittadinanza attiva. Le Case del Popolo nella società contemporanea, Angeli, Milano, 2016.

- G. Pieretti, G. Manella (a cura di), Uscire stabilmente dalle dipendenze. Indagine territoriale di follow-up sul lavoro di Arca, Angeli, 2018.

Teaching methods

Lectures and seminars.

Assessment methods

A final oral exam aboutall the books in the recommended reading will be done, in order to check the critical and methodological skills acquired by students. A particular attention will be given to students' skills to orient themselves within the sources and bibliographical material in order to find the useful information to illustrate the proper cultural aspects of this discipline. The achievement of an organic vision of the course topics together with a critical use,a mastery of expression and a specific language will be assessed as excellent. A more mechanical andmnemonic knowledge, non-articulated synthesis and analysis skills, and correct but not always appropriate language will be assessed as good; training gaps and/or inappropriate language - although with a minimum knowledge of the exam contents - will be assessed as sufficient. Training gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within reference material will be assessed as insufficient.

Teaching tools

Further material will be available on the teacher's webpage during the course.

Office hours

See the website of Giovanni Pieretti


Good health and well-being Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.