37036 - Economics and Marketing of Audiovisual Media (2nd cycle)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Moduli: Guglielmo Pescatore (Modulo 1) Veronica Innocenti (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Cinema, Television and Multimedia Production (cod. 0966)

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course students will know the basic aspects of the economical chain of the media industry, particularly film and television products; in terms of both production and related institutions, as well as the planning of the production of audiovisual products and related structures and events. Students will also acquire basics of Marketing in its various applications, especially focusing on how it’s applied to in the promotion process (promotional strategies and launching) of the audiovisual product.

Course contents

Module 1 - ECONOMICS (Teacher Guglielmo Pescatore):

This part (30 hours) will focus on some distinctive aspects of the media market, especially audiovisual media and the Internet. The media production chain will be examined in the light of the significant changes since the 80s, both as for the impact of new technologies and for the processes of economic aggregation and for product modification. The will be examined the models of production, distribution, multiplatform fruition and franchise creation of the audiovisual product. The course will be based on the following theme blocks:

- Cultural industries

- Basics of Microeconomics

- The advertising market

- Production and distribution of audiovisual content

- Convergence and digital media

- Non-monetary economies

Module 2 - MARKETING (Teacher Veronica Innocenti):

The second part (30 hours) aims to provide students with an articulated knowledge of the marketing practices for media products. The course will be based on the following theme blocks:

- Basics of Marketing

- Promotion and communication of the audiovisual media product

- Marketing of the audiovisual product

- Unconventional marketing techniques

- Social media marketing

- Case studies


The readings selected by the teachers and made available through IOL, as well as the lectures notes will be considered as fundamental parts of the reading material.

Module 1

- Robert S. Pindyck, Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomia, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2006, CHAPTERS 1 and 2

- G. Doyle, Introduzione all'economia dei media, Hoepli, Milano 2008 CHAPTERS 1-5, 8, 9

- D. Hesmondhalgh, Le industrie culturali, Egea, Milano 2008, INTRODUCTION AND CHAPTERS 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9

- P. Brembilla, It's All Connected. L'evoluzione delle serie TV statunitensi, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2018

- Report and reading material made available through IOL

Module 2

-Course reading material made available through IOL

Teaching methods

Lectures supported by power point slides and audiovisual systems, meetings with experts and industry professionals.

In order to better organize the course, students are invited to a meeting where methods and tools used in the course will be presented. This meeting will take place on September 25th and 26th 2018, at 11.00, Salone Marescotti.

Students who wish to participate actively in the course and be considered as attending students must attend one of the two meetings scheduled for 25 and 26 September 2018. During the course, attendance will be registered. To be considered as attending students it is required to attend at least 90% of the lessons (maximum 1 absence for each MODULE).

It will be possible to follow the lessons through a streaming service thanks to the links on the IOL teaching platform. The attendance and active participation of the student during the course, measured through the use of a specific application for classroom and distance interaction (which will be discussed during the two method presentation meetings 25 and 26 September), will contribute to the determination of the final grade with 3 points. The points obtained through attendence and participation will be added to the evaluation achieved through the written test and the final essay and this sum will constitute the final evaluation.

Lectures start on 2 October 2018 at 11.00.

Assessment methods


The final examination of the course "Economics and Marketing of the Audiovisual Media" is made of two tests:

- a written test with multiple choice questions. This test will assess students qualitative knowledge of the principles of microeconomics, price, market, supply chain and of a general knowledge on the mechanisms and strategies of the media industries.

- an essay on topics treated in Module 2 - Marketing. The topic of the essay (length between 20.000 and 30.000 characters) must always be agreed with Prof. Innocenti, preferably through the appropriate forum on the IOL teaching platform. The essay must present a good degree of study and analysis with respect to the chosen topic; a purely descriptive approach to the analyzed phenomena is not sufficient. The essay must be delivered directly on the day of the written test and will contribute with this to the determination of the final grade. The papers without bibliography and without notes on the sources consulted will be considered insufficient. Please follow the editorial guidelines indicated at the following link http://corsi.unibo.it/Cinema/Documents/Criteri%20redazionali%20tesi.pdfalways be agreed, also via e-mail, with the teacher Innocenti.

For attending students there will be an intermediate exam at the end of MODULE 1 and a final exam related to MODULE 2 which will take place at the end of the course and will have specific modalities that will be communicated in class.

The achievement of an organic vision of the topics of the course, the possession of a specific language, the qualitative knowledge of the principles of microeconomics and a general knowledge of the themes addressed in the two modules will be evaluated with marks of excellence. A textbook knowledge of the subject, the ability to synthesize and analyze non-articulated or a correct language but not always appropriate, a partial domain of the discipline, lead to discrete evaluations. Training gaps or inappropriate language, such as a lack of knowledge of the topics covered, allow you to get votes on the threshold of sufficiency. Formal gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the bibliography and inability to analyze the topics are negatively evaluated.

All students shall register to the final examination through Almaesami; unregistered students are not authorized to take the examinations. The examination will be held in equipped classrooms: registered students who decide not to sit the exam, are required to cancel from the list in order to not overcrowd the exam classrooms. On the exam date, they shall bring their unibo credentials and an ID.

Teaching tools

Power point, prezi, videos, app Acadly, streaming video of lectures

Office hours

See the website of Veronica Innocenti

See the website of Guglielmo Pescatore