78910 - Project Work On Data Mining M

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Computer Engineering (cod. 0937)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the activity the students are able to apply the notions and skills acquired in the data mining course to design a data mining activity or a new data mining algorithm for a specific task.

Course contents

Two possible tracks:

  1. A scientific paper is considered as the base for the development of a new data mining algortihm. The software engineering best practices have to be used to include the project into an open-source framework.
  2. An innovative software/tool is chosen for experiments and tests on given datasets.


Scientific papers and documentation provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

The project is assigned by the teacher, then the development stages are verified with periodical meetings.

Assessment methods

Power Point presentation and demo

Teaching tools

Java programming language. Weka data mining framework.

Big Data frameworks. Python language

Office hours

See the website of Claudio Sartori