29704 - History of the Shoah and Genocide (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History and Oriental Studies (cod. 8845)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide the student with a critical knowledge of the events that led to the destruction of European judaism and problems concerning the international historiography of the Shoah and the history of genocides in XX century. By its conclusion, the student will be able to discuss the subjects both in writing and orally employing textual, iconographic and material sources, displaying the appropriate methodologies and bibliographical materials.

Course contents

I. Shoah: history and historiography

An introduction to the chief aspects of the history of the Shoah and genocide, referring also to the relevant texts in historiography:

• German, Nazi or European Antisemitism?

• Discrimination, Expropriation and Expulsion

• Ghettoization

• War, Occupation and the Holocaust

• Local Collaboration in Europe

• Historiography and the Perpetrators of the Holocaust

• Jewish Resistance


II. Place and space of the genocide

• Raphael Lemkin and the crime of genocide

• Testimony and Representation

• Memory, Memorials and Museums

• The Topography of Genocide

• Jewish Ruins in Postwar Europe

• Cultural genocide


Course timetable

From xxx:

Department of History and Cultures – DiSCi, piazza S. Giovanni in Monte 2

Monday, 11.00-13.00 (aula Torresani)

Tuesday, 11.00-13.00 (aula Torresani)

Wednesday, 11.00-13.00 (aula Torresani)


Exam bibliography:

1. David Engel, L’olocausto, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005.

2. Omer Bartov, L'Europa orientale come luogo del genocidio, in Storia della Shoah, a cura di cura di Marina Cattaruzza, Marcello Flores, Simon Levis Sullam, Enzo Traverso, Torino, UTET, 2005, vol. II, pp. 419-459.

3. Antonella Salomoni, La seconda guerra mondiale e il fronte orientale. Spazio del genocidio e rovine ebraiche, in Tommaso Detti (ed.), Le guerre in un mondo globale, Roma, Viella, 2017, pp. 133-153.

4. Karl Schlögel, Europa diafana, in Id., Leggere il tempo nello spazio. Saggi di storia e geopolitica, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2009, pp. 212-255.

5. one of the following:

  • Taner Akçam, Nazionalismo turco e genocidio armeno. Dall'Impero ottomano alla Repubblica, Milano, Guerini e Associati, 2006;
  • Götz Aly, Zavorre. Storia dell'Aktion T4: l'eutanasia nella Germania nazista, 1939-1945, Torino, Einaudi, 2017;
  • Bernard Bruneteau, Il secolo dei genocidi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005;
  • Samuel Kassow, Chi scriverà la nostra storia? L'archivio ritrovato del ghetto di Varsavia, Milano, Mondadori, 2009;
  • Guenter Lewy, La persecuzione nazista degli zingari, Torino, Einaudi, 2002;
  • Norman Naimark, La politica dell'odio. la pulizia etnica nell'Europa contemporanea, Roma, Laterza, 2002;
  • Martin Pollack, Paesaggi contaminati, Rovereto, Keller, 2016;
  • Antonella Salomoni, L'Unione Sovietica e la Shoah. Genocidio, resistenza, rimozione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007.

All the books above are found in the library of the Department of History and Cultures, piazza S. Giovanni in Monte 2

Foreign students may contact the lecturer for an alternative reading list in English.




Michael Berenbaum, Abraham J. Peck (eds.), The Holocaust and History: The Known, the Unknown, the Disputed, and the Re-examined, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Ind., 1998;

Dan Michman, Holocaust Historiography – A Jewish Perspective. Conceptualizations, Terminology, Approaches and Fundamental Issues, London–Portland (Or.), Vallentine Mitchell, 2003 (Pour une historiographie de la shoah. Conceptualisation, terminologie, définitions et problèmes fondamentaux, Paris, In Press Éditions, 2001);

Dan Stone (ed.), The Historiography of the Holocaust, Basingstoke-New York, Palgrave, 2004;

David Bankier, Dan Michman (eds.), Holocaust Historiography in Context: Emergence, Challenges, Polemics and Achievements, Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, 2008;

David Bankier, Dan Michman (eds.), Holocaust and Justice. Representation and Historiography of the Holocaust in Post-War Trials, Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, 2010.


Robert Bevan, The Destruction of Memory: Architecture at War, London, Raektion Books, 2006;

Omer Bartov, Erased. Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine, Princeton-Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2007;

Stacy Boldrick, Richard Clay (eds.), Iconoclasm. Contested Objects, Contested Terms, Burlington, VT, Ashgate, 2007;

Martin Winstone, The Holocaust Sites of Europe. An Historical Guide, London, New York, 2010;

Justyna Beinek, Piotr Kosicki (eds.), Re-mapping Polish-German Historical Memory: Physical, Political, and Literary Spaces since World War II, Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers, 2011;

Michael Meng, Shattered Spaces: Encountering Jewish Ruins in Postwar Germany and Poland, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2011;

Gavriel D. Rosenfeld, Building After Auschwitz. Jewish Architecture and the Memory of the Holocaust, New Haven-London, Yale University Press, 2011;

Caroline Sturdy Colls, Holocaust Archaeologies: Approaches and Future Directions, Springer, 2015;

Béatrice Fleury, Jacques Walter (eds.), Qualifier des lieux de détention et de massacre, voll. 1-4, Nancy, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2008-2011 (“Questions de communication”).

Teaching methods

Lecture; critical analysis of texts.

Regular attendance and participation are recommended.

Assessment methods

The exam will take the form of an oral discussion. The student will be assessed according to the knowledge he has acquired, his ability to provide a clear summary of the topics covered and his critical handling of the material.

The assessment will concentrate particularly on the skill displayed by the student in handling the sources and material in the exam bibliography and his ability to find and use information and examples to illustrate and correlate the various themes and problems addressed in the course.

The assessment will thus examine the student's:

- factual knowledge of the subject;
- ability to summarise and analyse themes and concepts;
- familiarity with the terminology associated with the subject and his ability to use it effectively.

Top marks will be awarded to a student displaying an overall understanding of the topics discussed during the lectures, combined with a critical approach to the material and a confident and effective use of the appropriate terminology.
Average marks will be awarded to a student who has memorized the main points of the material and is able to summarise them satisfactorily and provide an effective critical commentary, while failing to display a complete command of the appropriate terminology.
A student will be deemed to have failed the exam if he displays significant errors in his understanding and failure to grasp the overall outlines of the subject, together with a poor command of the appropriate terminology.

Teaching tools

Some materials will be available to students in pdf format.

Office hours

See the website of Antonella Salomoni