72942 - Information Security M

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Computer Engineering (cod. 0937)

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and engineering skills related to the design, development and deployment of algorithms and protocols for securing systems and networks.

Course contents

1.  Security Technologies: Overview
2.  Principles of Cryptography and Cryptoanalysis

3. Basic building blocks: PRNG, Hash, identification protocols
4.  Classic Cryptography
5.  Symmentric ciphers and symmetric-cryptography-based authentication mechanisms. Examples of common use cases: RC4, DES, AES, HMAC,
6.  Theory Number  Principles. DH key exchange. Asymmetric ciphers, hybrid ciphers and asymmetric cryptography-based authetication schemas. Digital signatures. Common case studies: RSA, ElGamal, DSA.
7.  Identitifcation protocols: Password, challenge-response protocols.

8. Security Infrastructures to support authentication and confidentiality. Public-key Infrastructures. PGP.

9. Kerberos
10.  Secure protocols to protect network communication. TLS/SS. Ip securitiy -IPSEC, VPN.

11. Blockchain technologies
12. Secure programming in Java environments


Slides on the course web site

[1] Bruce Schneier: “Applied Cryptography ” John Wiley 1996

[2] A.J. Menezes, P.C. Van Oorschot, S.A. Vanstone: “Handbook of Applied Cryptography” CRC Press 1997

[3] Paolo Ferragina, Fabrizio Luccio: “Crittografia. Principi, Algoritmi, Applicazioni ” Bollati Boringhieri 2001

[4] William Stalling: “Sicurezza delle reti. Applicazioni e standard ” Addison Wesley Longman Italia 2001

[5] Bruce Schneier: “Sicurezza digitale. Miti da sfatare, strategie da adottare ”Tecniche nuove 2001

[6] Henk C.A. van Tilborg: “Fundamentals of Cryptology” Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001

[7] William Stalling: “Crittografia e sicurezza delle reti. Standard, Tecniche,Applicazioni ” McGraw-Hill Italia 2003

[8] N.Ferguson, B.Schneier “Practical Cryptography” Wiley Publishing 2003

[9] C.Pfleeger, S.Pfleeger:”Sicurezza in informatica” Pearson Education Italia, 2004

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures and laboratory activities

Assessment methods

Oral and written exam and optional development of a secure java-based application

Teaching tools

slides and laboratory activities

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Rebecca Montanari