71543 - Systems and Technologies for a Sustainable Livestock Production

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Moduli: Giovanni Molari (Modulo 1) Paolo Liberati (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Safety and Quality in Animal Production (cod. 8521)

Learning outcomes

The students will acquire the knowledge on innovative technologies for a sustainable animal housing, with particolar referente to the automatisation and informatisation of animal breeding, the housing climatization, the slurry management and the use of renewable energy.

Course contents

Building and plant solutions for a precision livestock farming and animal welfare. Norms and plans for the environmental impact restraint of animal waste and emissions. Use of renewable energy in the livestocks; systems for manure recovery; plants for biogas production, plants for the production of energy from renewables sorces in livestock farming.


CRPA, Strutture, attrezzature e impianti per vacche da latte, Ed. L'Informatore Agrario, 2002.

CRPA, Ricoveri, attrezzature e impianti perl'ellevamento dei suini, Ed. L'Informatore Agrario, 2004

Clipboard of the lessons

Teaching methods

Teaching is articulated in frontal lectures and lab experiments.

Assessment methods

The knowledge verification will be performed only through the final examination, which verifies the acquisition of knowledge and skills expected by an oral examination of about 30 minutes without the aid of notes or books. The oral examination consists of 3 questions. The final grade is calculated as the arithmetic average of the grades obtained in all the 3 questions.

Teaching tools

Instruments and lab material, computer, videos, softwares

Office hours

See the website of Giovanni Molari

See the website of Paolo Liberati