27906 - Communications and Territory (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Valentina Erminia Albanese
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-GGR/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Geography and Territorial Processes (cod. 0971)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students will learn the basic elements of about Destination Branding and communication on the new media. They'll be able to do brand personality and management of web reputation applied to targets. They will enhance this knowledge, because they will have learned how to manage social networks more popular as new channels to promote the area where that promotion is not necessarily intended for external users of the territory (Territorial Marketing, strictly intending) but also acts as a catalyst and agent enhancement of the multiple dimensions of territoriality (such as increased promotion of elements value ).



Course contents

In the high competition contemporary context, places need to differentiate themselves and to implement effective branding strategies to emerge. And therefore essential to know the territorial elements (tangible and intangible) that form the personality of a destination.
These elements represent the starting point for the definition of branding strategies and must be channeled wisely in new media, indispensable instruments for communication and exchange of information.
The course will be dedicated to the knowledge of the marketing and branding of the territory in their latest version. For the practical application of these concepts, it will deepen storytelling as an active element of identity (from the side of insiders) and tool for branding (the side of the outsiders) of the territory.
The course will wind along two lines: the first, conceptual, will provide the theoretical elements of Narrative Identity, Local Marketing, Brand Personality, Web Reputation and Social Media Management applied to the destinations; the second, of a practical nature, will focus on the construction of one or more channels for social communication of a destination (tourist, commercial, cultural ...).
The purpose of this course is to provide the tools to acquire the current research methods, experimental and innovative, including the use of new media and using storytelling as a guideline. The student will learn to build a territorial brand and manage its web reputation because during the course will learn the important aspects of Social Media Managing dedicated to image management and promotion of the territories


Attendees choose a book between:

  • Di Fraia G., Social Media Marketing, Hoepli, 2015
  • Vanolo A., City Branding: The Ghostly Politics of Representation in Globalising Cities, Routledge, 2017.

In addition, they will be informed during the lessons about bibliography (course materials will be provided in itinere by the teacher)

Non attending students:

  • Di Fraia G., Social Media Marketing, Hoepli, 2011;
  • Vanolo A., City Branding: The Ghostly Politics of Representation in Globalising Cities, Routledge, 2017

Reccomended reading:

- Turco A. (a cura di), "Governance territoriale. Norme, discorsi, pratiche", Unicopli, Milano, 2013.

- Rocca L., "Partecipare in rete. Nuove pratiche per lo sviluppo locale", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2010.

-Bignante E., "Geografia e Ricerca Visuale", Laterza, 2011.

- Anholt S., & Senn L., L'identità competitiva: il branding di nazioni, città, regioni, Egea, 2007.

-Govers R. & Go F.M., Place Branding, Glocal, virtual and physical, identities constructed, imagined and experienced, Basingstoke, Hampshire (UK), Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

Teaching methods


destination storytelling

groups of destination listening

Assessment methods

At the end of this course we'll be checked the following learning objectives:
- Ability to master terms and concepts relating regionalization and 'identity narratives' processes;
- Know the most innovative tools for destination branding and its web reputation ;
- Draft a program of destination branding with specific tools;
- Recognize the functions and procedures of the major social networks in the destination communication processes.

* It will be possible, in agreement with the attending students or their limited group, dedicate a specific teaching module deepening theoretical and practical Sentiment Analysis.
Attending students can integrate the exam with oral reports / reports of deepening realizations web, field surveys.
The exam is held in oral form at the Department of History Cultures and Civilizations - Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2, second floor.
To support the exam registration is required inscription on bulletin boards, in accordance with the deadlines (in expiration date, the list will automatically close and no longer accessible).
If once registered you decide to not attend the exam, before the closing date you will have to proceed to its cancellation. Infact, who is on the list and do not show up, will miss a call.

Teaching tools




storytelling & web geoblogging languages

graphics & cartographics images

Sentiment Analysis

Office hours

See the website of Valentina Erminia Albanese


Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.