85900 - Architecture and Urban Landscape

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 0881)

Learning outcomes

The students learn how to intervene on the layered urban areas and acquire the theoretical-practical tools that enable them to make targeted choices on the transformations of the city and landscape.

Course contents

The course “Architecture and Urban Landscape” deals with themes strictly related to those developed from other modules of the Final Workshop: Regeneration of Italian Post War City, headed by Prof. Antonio Esposito. The teaching activities, carried out during the first semester, are organized in lectures and in project experiences.

The system of urban and peri-urban open spaces, characterized by human and natural features, represents the main theme of the course which involves different aspects of landscape. Particular importance is given to analysis, assessment and planning/design, with attention to physiographic, vegetational, historical, and visual elements of sites as well as anthropic and ecological dynamics. These represent the local identity and are capable of stimulating innovative strategies of planning and design in synergy with the characteristics of the territorial context, on both a large or a small scale.

In this way, the lectures and project experiences can help the students to develop cognitive, assessment and design skills. These are based on the understanding and construction of relationships between architectures and open spaces, between identifying features and contemporary transformations, between spatial articulation and its evolutionary dynamics.


Cinti D., Questioni di metodo, in Cinti D., Progetto di paesaggio. Il bacino di Montedoglio e la golena del Tevere, Firenze, 2008, pp. 17-71

- Donadieu P., Scienze del Paesaggio. Tra teorie e pratiche, Pisa, 2014.

- McHarg I.L., Progettare con la natura, Padova, 1989.

- Panzini F., Per i piaceri del popolo. L’evoluzione del giardino pubblico in Europa dalle origini al XX secolo, Bologna, 1993.

- Giacomini V., Romani V., Uomini e parchi, Milano, 1982.

- Lynch K., L’immagine della città, Venezia, 1964.

- Sereni E., Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano, Bari, 1999.

Teaching methods

The laboratory will proceed by lectures, analysis and assessments and design experimentations on the different case studies.

Assessment methods

The exam will take place with the display of the graphical material related to the exercises and design. The final discussion of the exam will be articulated with the presentation by the student of the work of analysis, assessments and design.

Teaching tools

Lectures through slides projection and practical exercises.

Office hours

See the website of Giorgio Liverani