73886 - Research Methodology Applied to Exercise and Sport

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will have a basic understanding of the research process and methods available for research within the various sub-disciplines of kinesiology and exercise science as well as physical therapy, rehabilitation, and occupational therapy. In particular, the student will gain competency in understanding, planning, conducting, assessing, and presenting research.

Course contents

Introduction. Alternative models of research, and overview of the research process. Purpose and methods of literature review. Identifying and developing the research problem. Presenting the hypothesis.

Statistical concepts and study design. Motivation for statistical analysis. Basic concepts of statistical techniques. Description. Inference. Sample selection. Randomization. Effect size. Power.

Parametric techniques. Relationship and correlation among variables. Prediction. Multiple regression. Differences between groups. ANOVA and ANCOVA

Nonparametric techniques. Nominal and ordinal data. Differences among groups. Testing observed versus expected data.

Measurement. Measurement of physical activity. Concepts of validity and reliability. Measurement error. Measurement scales.

Quantitative research. Observational versus experimental research. Experimental designs. Internal and external validity. Using meta-analysis to synthesize research.

Ethical issues. Scientific dishonesty. Copyright and plagiarism. Protecting study participants

Reporting research. Developing a good introduction. Describing the method. Results and discussion. Using tables and figures. Writing abstracts. Making oral and poster presentations.


Research Methods in Physical Activity. Sixth Edition. JR Thomas, JK Nelson, SJ Silverman. Publisher: Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL. USA.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons. Supplementary exercises are proposed for home study, and discussed during class.

Assessment methods

Written and oral exam to test the students' comprehension of the lecture material and evaluate their critical thinking skills with regard to the course as a whole.

Teaching tools

PC and video projector

Office hours

See the website of David Neil Manners