Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Moduli: Roberta Galuppi (Modulo 1) Monica Caffara (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Learning outcomes

After completing this module, students will be able construe the ratio host / parasite / environment in farm animals and pets; will be able to manage, independently, cultural and technical tools, for the implementation of plans for the control and prevention of parasitoses and their socio-economic consequences.

Course contents

Module 1: Teacher: Roberta Galuppi

This module consists of two parts:

a) Diagnosis and control of parasitoses of pets with study or simulations of clinical cases or problem situations:

- Evaluation of anamnestic and clinical data relating to companion animals with suspected parasitosis

- Execution of appropriate parasitological analysis on different biological samples; approach to literature search for specific insights; Evaluation of the results of the laboratory analysis with reference to case history and clinical data.

- Prophylactic approach to the management of the parasitosis and answers to the owners' FAQ

b) Diagnostics and control of parasitoses of livestock with study or simulations of clinical cases or problem situations:

- Execution of appropriate parasitological analysis on different biological samples collected by students during farm visits of the internship of Anatomy-Pathology Diagnostics Practice and Transmissible Diseases.

- Evaluation of laboratory results in relation to medical history, clinical data and the management aspects of a farm in relation to the spread of parasites; approach to literature search for specific insights;

- Set the correct prophylaxis planning and management of health risks of the parasites in farm

Module 2 – Teacher: Monica Caffara

Techniques for the detection of fish-borne parasitic zoonoses

- Detection and identification of cestodes and trematodes in freshwater fishes

- Detection and identification of nematodes Anisakidae in marine fish species

- Application of molecular techniques for the identification of zoonotic parasites


During group activities will be available texts of parasitology and computer for literature searches related to the cases under observation.

Teaching methods

• Module 1 is based on group activities.

• The section dedicated to pets includes a first common part (about half an hour) to illustrate the test material and to organize the working groups. The second part, (3 hours) involves the working group (4 people each) to perform the parasitological analysis on samples from clinical cases, real or simulated, literature searching and report filling in order to identify a correct prophylactic approach to the management of parasites found and answering to the owner's FAQ. In the third part (1.30' hour) each group will present their work as a final report / form , followed by a final group discussion.

• The section dedicated to farm animals includes a first common part (about half an hour) to illustrate the test material and to organize the working groups. The second part, (about 3 hours) involves the working groups (4 people each ) to perform the parasitological analysis of samples collected in farm, literature searching and report filling in order to find a prophylactic approach to the parasites found. During the third part (about 1.30' hour) each group will present their work as a final report / form, followed by a final group discussion.

• The module 2, dedicated to fish-borne parasitic zoonoses, provides a first theoretical part (about 1.5 hours) on the main fish-borne zoonoses with illustrations of the collection / preservation / identification methods and a second practical part (about 3,5 hours) in which the student will apply the techniques learned.

Assessment methods

Evaluation of skills and competences acquired:

Module 1

– pets: • Presentation to teachers and other students, at the end of the training, of a report / final form about the work (with the help of a Power point) from each group.

- breeding animals : presentation to teachers and other students, at the end of the training, of a report / final form on the work (with the help of a Power point) from each group. This report will become an integral part of the report on the part of the traineeship dedicated to transmissible animal diseases.

Module 2 - marine and freshwater fish: the verification of the learning will take place through the coaching of the lecturer during the lab activities

Staff who carried out the activities will assess the training attendance through call.

The final grade of the training in transmissible diseases will be reduced by 3 points for each absence in the individual internship activities

Teaching tools

Laboratories equipped for the realization of parasitological and / or molecular analysis, computers (one for each study group) and projector

Office hours

See the website of Roberta Galuppi

See the website of Monica Caffara