78673 - Russian Linguistics 1 (LM)

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

Students show an advanced competency in the Russian language that allows them to move confidently in all communicative spheres as well as to carry out their professional activities in Russian-speaking contexts. They know the morphosyntactic structures of the language in a deepened way and are familiar with the lexical, stylistic and pragmatic analysis of great complexity oral and written texts that may include substandard and specialized languages. Their linguistic competence progress indicatively up to the level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference, which allows students to effectively interpret the partner-linguistic and cultural codes in any subject within a communicative relationship.

Course contents

The course is divided in two parallel parts.

The first part (30 hours) will deal with linguistic and argumentative analysis of printed materials, including particularly complex structures (complex sentence syntax, participles and gerunds, negative and indefinite pronouns, numerals, verbal prefixes). The aim of this course will be the development of analytical skills through writing (analysis and summary).

The second part of the course (30 hours) will focus on analysis and translation of literary texts. Some of the analysed text will be translated, using bilingual and monolingual dictionaries in the proper way. Some significant translational cases will be discussed.

To the theoretical course is combined a practical linguistic training (36 hours), which allows the student to achieve good oral and written skills, referring to the analyzed subjects. The practical course will deal also with phraseology and lexical units, typical of analyzed textual typologies.


 - VALGINA N. S., Teorija teksta , Мoskva 2003 (online: http://www.hi-edu.ru/x-books/xbook029/01/index.html?part-001.htm )

- FICI GIUSTI F., GEBERT L., SIGNORINI S., La lingua russa. Storia, struttura, tipologia , La nuova Italia Scientifica, Firenze 1991.

- PEROTTO M., KOVALJOVA N., I numerali nella lingua russa , Aracne Editore, Roma 2005.

- PESSINA LONGO H., AVERJANOVA G.N., ROGOVA K., Principi della comunicazione scientifica in lingua russa , Clueb, Bologna 1995.

- POUTSILEVA L., Lessico russo, lessicologia e fraseologia , Clueb, Bologna 2003.

DOBROVOL'SKAJA Ju., L'ABC della traduzione, Ca' Foscari, Venezia

web site: http://www.inopressa.ru/

For the second part some audio or written materials will be available on Alma DL Campus.

Books for the practical lessons (lettorato):

Баско Н.В. Обсуждаем глобальные проблемы, повторяем русскую грамматику: учебное пособие по русскому языку для иностранных учащихся. - М.: Русский язык. Курсы, 2010. – 272с.

2. Учебно-тренировочные тесты по русскому языку как иностранному. Вып.4. Аудирование. Говорение: учебное пособие/под общ.ред. А.И.Захаровой, М.Э.Парецкой. – 3-е изд. – Спб: Златоуст 2016. – 168с.

3. Учебно-тренировочные тесты по русскому языку как иностранному. Выпуск 3. Письмо: учебное пособие/под общ.ред.М.Э.Парецкой. – Спб.: Златоуст, 2009. – 96с.

В качестве учебного материала будут использоваться материалы, подготовленные преподавателем (dispensa), а также эпизоды из кинофильмов и видеосюжеты, взятые из электронных СМИ.

Teaching methods

Frontal lesson, analytical and communicative method

Assessment methods

The exam will be written and oral. The written exam (4 hours) will deal with analysis and translation of one text about the subjects dealt within the course. The written exam will evaluate the analytical, stylistic and morpho-syntactic competence of the student. Getting through the written exam will give access to the oral exam, included the linguistic assesment. The final mark will be obtained with the average marks of the two exams.

Oral exam will consist in the discussion of a written text, prepared by the student in Russian language. Linguistic assesment test will include some works chosen in concordance with the student's course of study and presented by the student during the course.

Students who have difficulty in attending the classes are requested to contact the teacher during the office hours or by e-mail (monica.perotto@unibo.it).

Teaching tools

Multimedial tools (audio and video materials), web sites about the diffusion of foreign mass media in Russia

Office hours

See the website of Monica Perotto