14061 - Greek Language (1)

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Simonetta Nannini
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-FIL-LET/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Humanities (cod. 8850)

Learning outcomes

The student will become acquainted with the literary texts of the  course of lessons, with Greek language dialects and metrics.

Course contents

1) Plutarch's De audiendo
2) Homer: Iliad XXIV ( metrics, historical morphology and syntax)

3) Historical Morphology
4) Greek Literature: Homeric Question; first-second century A. D
5) A thorough  knowledge of one essay on Homer or Plutarch (cf. Bibliography)

For students who cannot attend the course, are valid points 1-4; as regards point 5, they are expected to read 2 of the essays suggested.


1) G. Pisani, Plutarco. L'arte di ascoltare, Milano 1995 (rist. 2004), or Hillyard, Plutarch: De audiendo. A Text and Commentary, New York 1981

2) Omero Iliade XXIV (it. transl. by G. Cerri or by M. G. Ciani , or an English translation)

3)L. Heilmann, Grammatica storica della lingua greca, Torino, Sei, 1963; P. Chantraine, Morphologie historique du grec, Paris, Klincksieck, 1947; D. Pieraccioni, Morfologia storica della lingua greca, Messina-Firenze, D'Anna, 1975
4) any handbook of Greek Literature

5) The reading of one of the following texts is required:
1) Aceti-Leuzzi-Pagani, Eroi dell'Iliade. Personaggi e strutture narrative, 2009
2) Aloni, da Pilo a Sigeo. poemi, cantori e scrivani al tempo dei tiranni, 2006
3) Ford, Homer: the Poetry of the Past, 1992
4) Griffin: Homer on life and death, 1980
5) Lord, Il cantore di storie, trad.it. 2005
6) Porter, Classical Pasts, Princeton 2003

7)Desideri, Saggi su Plutarco e la sua fortuna, Firenze 20128) 8) Boulogne, Plutarque. Un aristocrate grec sous l'occupation romaine, Lille 1994

Teaching methods

 Classroom sessions (30 h.) + seminars (20 h., Prof. V. Garulli) on Homeric text, morphology phonetic and syntax.

The students are also invited to take part in several lectures and seminars given by professors of other Universities

Assessment methods

1) Metrics (Exameter)
2) Translation (20 vv. of  Homerus; one chapter of Plutarch), with examination of historic morphology and syntax
3) Literature: Homeric Question; I-II cent. a.C.
4) Critical account on the text selected.

It is required a close, critical investigation of the texts examined at lesson and of those proposed during the course. The students who will prove to achieve a thorought and complete knowledge of the topics discussed during the lessons will gain excellent marks; the students who will not prove to achieve such a knowledge will gain good marks or a fail, depending on the importance of the subject.

Teaching tools


materials about the authors will be circulated at lesson


Office hours

See the website of Simonetta Nannini