73403 - Evaluation Methodology

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Leonardo Altieri
  • Credits: 4
  • SSD: SPS/07
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sociology and Social Work (cod. 8786)

Learning outcomes

Evaluation Methodology

The aim of the course is to provide the students with the following capacities: to understand the methodology of evaluation-research applied to social contests and its theoretical paradigms; to analyze critically the methodologies used to assess the efficacy of the interventions, the perceived quality and citizens satisfaction; to find out pros and cons of the main forms of social participation of citizens, of no profit organizations and of voluntary associations; to implement techniques in order to measure the quality of the social and health services.

Course contents

Course contents:

Services and social policies evaluation

Evalutation-research is nowadays a priority for people working in social services, health-care and education. Evaluation is central for professionals. The assessment of the efficacy and the quality of the services is at the core of the professional skills. Often it is a requirement in order to find a job in the sectors mentioned above. It is a subject which is central in planning and implementation of projects, services and social interventions (in health-care, social work, education).

Starting from an historical stance on the development of the culture of quality in advanced societies, the course will provide more specific insights on the evaluation of organizational and relational quality in the social and health-care sectors. The main theoretical approaches will be presented and criticized.

The main methodologies – that is the ones so called “measuring/quantitative” and the ones so called “ethnographic/qualitative” – in evaluation-research will be presented.

The main areas of studying are the following:                                                        

- indicator systems

- customer satisfaction survey

- semi-structured interviews

- ethnographic observation

- group techniques (focus group, brain storming, NGT, ecc.)

- controlled and randomized experiments

- other evalutative methodologies (peer review, claims analysis et cet)

A special emphasis will be given to different model of social participation of citizens and of voluntary associations, from a perspective of “shared and participated” evaluation.


The handbook is:

 L. Altieri, Valutazione e Partecipazione. Per una metodologia interattiva e negoziale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2009 (chapters:  1, 8, 9, 10, 11).

The second book is:

-  L. Altieri (2012), Interventi per i giovani. Progettazione e valutazione di osservatori, centri di ascolto, consultori, informagiovani, laboratori, Faenza: Homeless Book  [eBook on homelessbook.it and other eBook store (ad es. IBS.it); info: info@homelessbook.it]

(chapters V and VI)


The following readings will increase the evaluation:

- C. Cipolla, G. Giarelli, L. Altieri (a cura di), Valutare la qualità in sanità. Approcci, metodologie e strumenti, Angeli, Milano, 2002; particularly capp. 1 (Ardigò), 2 (Vicarelli) , 4 (Altieri), 5 (Giarelli), 6 (Maturo);

- L. Bernardi, Percorsi di ricerca sociale. Conoscere, decidere, valutare, Carrocci, Roma, 2005;

- C. Bezzi, Il disegno della ricerca valutativa, Angeli, Milano, 2003;

- C . Bezzi, I. Baldini, Il brain storming. Pratica e teoria, Angeli, Milano, 2006;             

- L. Altieri, M. A. Nicoli, V. Sturlese (a cura di), La sanità dei cittadini, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2011; (pp. 220). (numero monografico della rivista "Salute e Società").

- V. L. Zammuner, I focus group, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2003.

- S. Corrao, Focus group, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2002.

Teaching methods

Lectures in class with case-studies. Student' presentations on theories or practical experiences of evaluation.

The final evaluation will take into consideration presentations and attendance.

Students with problems of attendance are invited to write to Prof. Altieri before the beginning of the course.

Assessment methods

Oral examination.

The exam will be based on 3-5 questions about the main concepts, methodology and techniques of evaluation.

Students who have had previous experiences in this field are invited to discuss them at the final.

Teaching tools

Teaching tools:

- case-studies based on questionnaires, observational guidelines, interviews in the field of evaluation

- case-studies about specific intervention in the field of social and heath services

- articles and slides suggested in class

- video

Office hours

See the website of Leonardo Altieri