35251 - Veterinary Economics

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, student knowledge in this field covers: basic economic concepts and their effectiveness to the aim of the veterinary practice, both in food and no-food sectors, in public and private economic context; analysis of the relevant economic and organizational situations in the above mentioned environments, given the specific private and public goals; understanding of the relevant problmes linked to the veterinary practice in the specific economic and institutional context. Students can identify the economic problems and related solutions, communicate with the public and private stakeholders involved. Finally they can individually update their economic learning , including methodologic innovation usefull for veterinary practice management.

Course contents


The relationship among human beings, animals and the society in the economic perspective. The professional context of the veterinary practice: agro-food sector, public safety system, pet sector, environment and biodiversity. Need for an interdisciplinary approach. Relevant scientific discipline involved. The place and role of veterinary practice within the economic system. Classifying veterinary practice according to functional, organizational and economic criteria.

Basic concept in veterinary economics

The analysis of economic phenomena. Concepts, definitions and economic language. The private approach. Microeconomic fundamentals. The demand of veterinary services in the relevant sectors of the veterinary practice The analysis of the economic processes. Entrepreneurial aims and choices. General criteria and tool for firm management. Cost and investment analysis. The firm dimension. The market. The competition and the strategic market positioning. General marketing concepts. The public approach. Public goods and the demand for. Organization and economic problems of institutions supplying public goods. The “no market” goods: natural environment, wildlife, biodiversity. Evaluation problems. The benefit-cost analysis.

The legal environment. The role of the government and the intervention policies. Policy objectives, strategies and measures. The relevant policies in the various context of the veterinary practice.

Case study

1) The pet sector. Demand and supply of veterinary service in the pet sector. The pet supply chain. Production process analysis and management: technical, organizational and economic features. The practice management. Strategic approach to service supply. Cost and investments analysis, pricing, the market dimension.

2) The public sector. Supplying public veterinary services. The demand and the supply organization. Effectiveness and efficiency evaluation .

3) The environmental goods. Socio-economic features of environment demand: environment and biodiversity; private interest vs. public goods (hunting, animal preservation). Evaluation problems


Notes and slides delivered by the Teacher during the course

Brue L., McConnell C.m Flynn S. (2010), Essenziale di economia. Seconda edizione, McGraw-Hill (Italia), Milano

Shilcock M., Stutchfield G. (2008), Veterinary Practice Management. A practical Guide. 2nd edition, Saunders-Elsevier Edinburgh

Ackerman L. (2007), Veterinary Practice Management Consult. Blackwell's Five Minute. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa (USA)

Teaching methods

Front courses

Case study analysis and problem solving approach

Participatory teaching methods

Assessment methods

On going test

Oral examination

Teaching tools

Slide projection

Case analysis

Office hours

See the website of Maurizio Aragrande