69855 - Genetic and Genetic Improvement

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Learning outcomes

Genetic and livestock breeding

Course contents

Introduction to the course. Presentation of the contents and methods of assessment.
Chromosomes and genes.
Inheritance laws.
Sex-linked inheritance.
Lethal alleles.
Gene interaction.
Qualitative and quantitative traits.

Genetics of population (allele and genotype frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium).
Phenotypic, genetic, and environmental variability.
Selection (functional recording, relationships, genetic evaluation of livestocks)

Inbreeding and crossing.


Pictures, graphs and tables showed during the lectures are available in the appropriate website.
The following texts are recommended:
G. Bittante, I. Andrighetto, M. Ramanzin. " Fondamenti di Zootecnica " Liviana-Publishing
G. Pagnacco " Genetica animale. Applicazioni zootecniche e veterinarie " Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.

Teaching methods

The course is divided into two teaching units: the first, theoretical, consists of 19 hours of lectures supported by images with the aim to provide the student with a set of basic information about the transmission of traits, quantitative genetics and population genetics.
The practice teaching unit, 3 hours, including the resolution of exercises in the field of genetics topics discussed in the theoretical part.

Assessment methods

The course is part of the course of Animal husbandry and general economy, which also includes the teachings of Livestock, Veterinary Economics and Economics and management of Animal Husbandry. The final mark consists of the synthesis of the evaluations of the four lessons that make up the integrated course. Of the examination committee are part of the Professors in charge of the teachings that make up the integrated course.

The assessment is expressed out of thirty. All dates, times and locations of the examinations are published on the website of the degree course. To subscribe use the web application AlmaEsami.

The portion of Genetics and livestock breeding consists of a number of questions and resolution of an exercise, on the topics listed in the program.

Teaching tools

For the lectures will use PC and video projector. The exercises will take place in the classroom.

Office hours

See the website of Stefania Dall'Olio