69853 - Veterinary Cytology, Histology and Embryology

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Learning outcomes

The course is aimed to give knowledge of: 1) the structural organization and functional morphology of the cell; 2) the structural organization of Mammal tissues; 3) the early development of Mammal embryo and the development of foetal membranes in Domestic animals.

Course contents

How cell are studied with the microscope.

Cytology: Structural organization of the cell: plasma membrane; nucleus (nuclear envelope, chromatin, nucleolus); cell organelles (RER, SER, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, lysosomes, centrioles); microfilaments, microtubules, glycogen, lipid, endogenous pigment inclusions.

Mitosis and meiosis.


Epithelium: classification and microscopic structure; surface modifications (microvilli, glycocalix, cilia, stereocilia); cellular attachments.

Glands: general classification; morphological characteristics of exocrine and endocrine glands.

Connective and supportive tissues: cells, ground substance, fibers (collagen, reticular, elastic); gelatinous connective tissue, loose connective tissue, regular dense irregular, dense regular connective tissue. Free cells of loose connective tissue (macrophages, mast cells, plasmacells, chromatophores). Adipose tissue (white and brown). Cartilage (hyaline, elastic, fibrous): development and nutrition. Bone (morphological and functional characteristics), osteogenesis, bone remodelling.

Muscular tissue (skeletal, cardiac, smooth): organization and structure, contractile filaments, contraction.

Nervous tissue: structural organization and functional morphology of the neuron; supportive cells, myelin sheath, synapses. Neurotransmitters.


The early development of the Mammal: fertilization, cleavage, blastocyst, gastrulation. The notochord. The neuronal tube Flexion and torsion. The axial, intermediate and lateral mesoderm. Development of foetal membranes (chorion, amnion, yolk sac, allantois. Placenta). Types of placenta.


Rosati P, Colombo R, Maraldi N: Istologia (V edizione) Edi-Ermes, Milano, 2006.

H Dieter-Dellmann, Jo Ann C Eurell: Istologia e Anatomia Microscopica Veterinaria (V edizione, traduzione italiana a cura di R. Bortolami e M.L. Lucchi), Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2000).

Molinaro M, Rizzoli C, Siracusa G, Stefanini M: Istologia di V Monesi (V edizione, II ristampa), Ed. Piccin, Padova, 2004.

Bacha WJ, Wood LM: Atlante a colori di Istologia Veterinaria (nuova edizione riveduta e corretta da G. Palmieri), Antonio Delfino Editore

Barone R: Anatomia Comparata dei Mammiferi Domestici, a cura di Bortolami R, Vol. IV, Edagricole, 1983.

Noden DM, De Lahunta A, Embriologia degli Animali Domestici, Edi. Ermes, Milano, 1991.

Veggetti A: Corso di Embriologia per gli studenti di Medicina Veterinaria,II Ed., Esculapio, Bologna, 1987.

Pelagalli GV., Castaldo L: Embriologia, Morfogenesi e anomalie dello sviluppo. Ed. G. Gnocchi, 1998.

Teaching methods

Frontal and supervised practical lessons (11 hrs/student).

Assessment methods

At the end of the course, the students will take an oral exam wich is preceded by the identification of a tissue with the light  microscope.

Teaching tools

PowerPoint. Light microscope. The frontal lessons are supported by projection   of  images  of the tissues. The practical lesson take place in a room equipped with n° 40 microscopes.The students have the opportunity to observe a collection of 200 histological preparations (slides), differently stained, concerning all the type of tissue. Each slide is supplied with a legend that gives information about the organ from which the tissue was removed, the organization and the structure of the tissue and on the stain of the sections. The practical lessons are supervised by the teacher of the course.

Office hours

See the website of Cristiano Bombardi