31156 - Russian Literature 2

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will have acquired a deep knowledge of Russian literature, taking into account the various issues related to periodization, different movements and literary schools as well as the main critical interpretations and thematic approaches, with particular attention to the general historical and cultural context. He will have developed methodological and linguistic tools to address the analysis and interpretation of literary texts.

Course contents


After a short historical and cultural introduction to the period between 1881 and 1953, the students will be given critical analysis of some works of authors whose literary activity unfolds mainly between the second half of XIX century and the year of Stalin’s death. The course will mainly follow the chronological and textual outline presented in “background readings” (see READINGS/BIBLIOGRAPHY, n. 2).


Recommended readings are divided into three parts:

1. readings for historical and literaty background;

2. background readings;

3. readings for individual study.


- RIASANOVSKY Nicholas, Storia della Russia. Dalle origini ai nostri giorni, Bompiani, Milano 1989 and reprints or other editions: from chapter XXIX (“Il regno di Alessandro II. 1855-1881) to chapter XXXIX (“L’ultimo decennio di Stalin”).

- CARPI Guido, Storia della letteratura russa. I. Da Pietro il Grande alla rivoluzione d’Ottobre, Carocci, Roma 2016, pp. 408-424, 437-516, 533-537, 554-558, 564-571, 577-594, 602-702.

- CARPI Guido, Storia della letteratura russa. II. Dalla rivoluzione d’Ottobre a oggi, Carocci, Roma 2016, pp. 11-197.


The list of background readings and the background readings themselves are available in the copyservices close to the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures and, as an electronic source, on the teacher's site: https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/alessandro.niero > DIDATTICA ; then clic on “Materiale didattico” under “Letteratura Russa 2”.


3.1. notes taken during the lessons;

3.2. extra texts provided by the teacher during the lessons;

3.3. texts (free choice edition)

The student will choose four (4) works, and one (1) critical essay for each work, among the following texts:

Ivan GONČAROV (1812-1891)

- Oblomov (any edition).

Critical essays:

- STRADA Vittorio, Ivan Gončarov e il suo «Oblomov», in IDEM, Le veglie della ragione. Miti e figure della letteratura russa da Dostoevskij a Pasternak, Einaudi, Torino 1986, pp. 78-90.

Ivan TURGENEV (1818-1883)

- Padri e figli (any edition).

Critical essays:

- BERLIN Isaiah, Padri e figli. Turgenev e il dilemma liberale, in IDEM, Il riccio e la volpe, Adelphi, Milano 1986, pp. 417-477.

Fëdor DOSTOEVSKIJ (1821-1881)

- Delitto e castigo (any edition).

- L’idiota (any edition).

Choose one (1) critical essay among:

- GROSSMAN Leonid, La città e gli uomini di «Delitto e castigo», in Fëdor DOSTOEVSKIJ, Delitto e castigo, trad. di Alfredo Polledro, Einaudi, Torino 1981, pp. VII-LXVII [su Delitto e castigo].

- STRADA Vittorio, Intreccio de «L’idiota» e Il «santo idioto» e il «savio peccatore», in IDEM, Le veglie della ragione. Miti e figure della letteratura russa da Dostoevskij a Pasternak, Einaudi, Torino 1986, pp. 30-64 [su L’idiota].

Lev TOLSTOJ (1828-1910)

- Anna Karenina (any edition).

- Guerra e pace (any edition).

Choose one (1) critical essay among:

- NABOKOV Vladimir, Anna Karenina, in IDEM, Lezioni di letteratura russa, Garzanti, Milano 1994, pp. 169-243 [on Anna Karenina].

- WHITE Hayden, Contro il realismo storico, in Il romanzo, 5 voll., a cura di Franco Moretti, Einaudi, Torino 2001-2003, v. 5 (2003: Lezioni), pp. 221-237 [on Guerra e pace].

Anton ČECHOV (1860-1904)

Choose three (3) short stories among:

- La morte dell’impiegato;

- Il camaleonte;

- Kaštanka;

- Voglia di dormire;

- Il reparto n. 6;

- L’uomo nell’astuccio.

Critical essays:

- STRADA Vittorio, Anton Čechov, in Storia della letteratura russa. III. Il Novecento. 1. Dal simbolismo alle avanguardie, a cura di Efim Ėtkind, Georges Nivat, Il´ja Serman, Vittorio Strada, Einaudi, Torino 1989, pp. 45-71.

Fedor SOLOGUB (1863-1927)

- Il demone meschino, intr. e pref. di Maria Candida Ghidini, trad. di Pietro Zveteremich, Garzanti, Milano 2008.

Critical essays:

- HOLTHUSEN Johannes, Fëdor Sologub, in Storia della letteratura russa. III. Il Novecento. I. Dal decadentismo all’avanguardia, a cura di Efim Ėtkind, Georges Nivat, Il´ja Serman, Vittorio Strada, Einaudi, Torino 1989, pp. 341-349.

Maksim GOR’KIJ (1868-1836)

- La madre, trad di Clara Terzi Pizzorno, Rizzoli, Milano 1956.

- La madre, a cura di Luciana Montagnani, pref. di Gian Carlo Pajetta, Editori Riuniti, Roma 1984.

Critical essays:

- HELLER Michel, Maksim Gor´kij, in Storia della letteratura russa. III. Il Novecento. 3. Dal realismo socialista ai nostri giorni, a cura di Efim Ėtkind, Georges Nivat, Il´ja Serman, Vittorio Strada, Einaudi, Torino 1991, pp. 43-84.

Andrej BELYJ (1880-1934)

- Pietroburgo, intr. e trad. di Angelo Maria Ripellino, Einaudi, Torino 1961 (poi 1980; ora Adelphi, Milano 2014).

Critical essays:

- RIPELLINO Angelo Maria, Pietroburgo di Belyj: un poema d’ombre, in A. Belyj, Pietroburgo, intr. e trad. di A. M. Ripellino, Einaudi, Torino 1980, pp. V-XXXV.

Evgenij ZAMJATIN (1884-1937)

- Noi, a cura di Alessandro Niero, Voland, Roma 2013 (e ristampe).

Critical essays:

– HELLER Leonid, Evgenij Zamjatin, in Storia della letteratura russa. III. Il Novecento. 2. La rivoluzione e gli anni Venti, a cura di Efim Ėtkind, Georges Nivat, Il´ja Serman, Vittorio Strada, Einaudi, Torino 1990, pp. 515-532.

Michail BULGAKOV (1891-1940)

- Il maestro e Margherita (qualsiasi edizione integrale).

Critical essays:

- GASPAROV Boris, Michail Bulgakov, in Storia della letteratura russa. III. Il Novecento. 2. La rivoluzione e gli anni Venti, a cura di Efim Ėtkind, Georges Nivat, Il´ja Serman, Vittorio Strada, Einaudi, Torino 1990, pp. 253-270.

Isaak BABEL´ (1894-1940)

- L’armata a cavallo, trad. di Renato Poggioli, Frassinelli, Torino 1945 (poi: Einaudi, Torino 1977 e 2009).

- L’armata a cavallo - Diario 1920, a cura di Costantino Di Paola, Marsilio, Venezia 1990.

Critical essays:

- MARKISH Simon, Isaak Babel´, in Storia della letteratura russa. III. Il Novecento. 3. Dal realismo socialista ai nostri giorni, a cura di Efim Ėtkind, Georges Nivat, Il´ja Serman, Vittorio Strada, Einaudi, Torino 1991, pp. 497-513.

Jurij OLEŠA (1899-1960)

- Invidia, trad. di Giulio Dacosta, Jurij OLEŠA, Invidia e i tre grassoni, Einaudi, Torino 1969, pp. 5-130

Critical essays:

- STRADA Vittorio, I romanzi di Jurij Oleša, in Jurij OLEŠA, Invidia e i tre grassoni, tradd. di Giulio Dacosta e Clara Coïsson, Einaudi, Torino 1969, pp. 261-281.

NB1: three Čechov’s short stories amount only to one [1] work.

NB2: the student must choose two (2) authors of the 19th and two (2) authors of the 20th century.

NB3: native speakers of Russian can read the literary works in the original. They are required to ask the professor for further textbooks in Russian.

Teaching methods

During each class texts in Russian and in Italian translation will be read and analysed.   

Assessment methods

Oral exam.

At the beginning of the exam the student will present the list of the books he intends to discuss.

The oral test consists in an oral interview which has the aim of evaluating the critical and methodological ability of the students. The student will be invited to discuss the tests on the course programme. The student must demonstrate an appropriate knowledge of the bibliography in the course programme.

The student will be asked to answer questions concerning each part of the programme: 1. readings for historical and literary background; 2. background readings; 3. readings for individual study.

Those students who are able to demonstrate a wide and systematic understanding of the issues covered during the lessons, are able to use these critically and who master the field-specific language of the discipline will be given a mark of excellence (27-30 cum laude).

Those students who demonstrate a mnemonic knowledge of the subject with a more superficial analytical ability and ability to synthesize, a correct command of the language but not always appropriate, will be given a ‘fair’ mark (23-26).

A superficial knowledge and understanding of the material, a scarce analytical and expressive ability that is not always appropriate will be rewarded with a pass mark or just above a pass mark (18-22).

Students who demonstrate gaps in their knowledge of the subject matter, inappropriate language use, lack of familiarity with the literature in the programme bibliography will not be given a pass mark.

Students who have difficulty in attending the lessons or finding the notes are requested to contact the professor during the office hours or by e-mail ( alessandro.niero@unibo.it [mailto:alessandro.niero@unibo.it] ).

Teaching tools

Video projector and PC.

Office hours

See the website of Alessandro Niero