30039 - Finnish Literature 1 (LM)

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Carla Corradi
  • Credits: 9
  • SSD: L-LIN/19
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes

The student has a thorough knowledge of the history of modern Finnish literature, with particular reference to the relationship between literary texts and the historical, artistic and linguistic context. The student knows and uses practical methodologies for the analysis and interpretation of literary texts.

Course contents

Finnish literature from a comparative point of view

The most salient periods of Finnish literature will be considered from a comparative point of view with Hungarian literature. We will analyze, in particular, many poems of the most important modern and contemporary poets. We will refer to the survival of shamanic symbolism in written literature, particularly evident in the concept of life, understood as an initiatory and metamorphic journey.

Literary texts written in the original language will be analysed.

Hungarian literature from a comparative point of view

Hungarian literature will be considered from a coo the concept mparative point of view with Finnish literature. We will analyze, in particular, many poems of the most important modern and contemporary poets. We will highlight the survival of shamanic symbolism in written literature, with particular reference to the concept of life, understood as an initiatory and metamorphic journey.

Literary texts written in the original language will be analysed.



Finnish literature

Laitinen, Kai, Suomen kirjallisuuden historia, Helsinki, Otava, 1981.

Loikala, Paula, Finlandia. Storia, lingua, cultura, Roma, Aracne, 2013.

Corradi Musi, Carla, I Finni, Parma, Palatina, 1983.

Lönnrot, Elias, Kalevala: Il grande poema epico finlandese, Edizioni Mediterranee, Roma, 2010, transl. by Marcello Ganassini.

Lönnrot, Elias, Kanteletar: raccolta di liriche popolari finniche, Turku, I. e B. Casagrande, 1992, transl. by Renzo Porceddu.

The reading of two of the following texts will be required:

Corradi Musi, Carla (ed.), Lo sciamano e il suo doppio, Bologna, Carattere, 2007.

Corradi Musi, Carla (ed.), Simboli e miti della tradizione sciamanica, Bologna, Carattere, 2007.

Corradi Musi, Carla (ed.), Sciamanesimo in Eurasia. Dal mito alla tradizione, Roma, Aracne, 2008.

Corradi Musi, Carla (ed.), Sul cammino delle metamorfosi tra gli Urali e il Mediterraneo. Dal mito alle trasformazioni sociali, Bologna, Edizioni CINE//SINE, 2013.

Corradi Musi, Carla - Ferrari, Giorgia - Martin, Sanna Maria, Sciamanesimo e Settentrione, Roma, Aracne, 2014.

Ferrari, Giorgia - Martin, Sanna Maria (eds.), Sciamani, letterati e artisti. Dalla Lapponia al cuore dell'Europa, Roma, Aracne, 2016.

Rozsnyói, Zsuzsanna (ed.), Il dio Eros e l’uomo. Voci di cantori e narratori del mondo ugrofinnico, Roma, Aracne, 2016.

The reading of two of the following works will be required:

Canth, Minna, Hanna, Viterbo, Vocifuoriscena, 2016, ed. by Marcello Ganassini.

Waltari, Mika, Chi ha ucciso la signora Skrof?, Milano, Iperborea, 2014, ed. by Giorgia Ferrari.

Jääskeläinen, Pasi Ilmari, La società letteraria Sella di Lepre, Milano, Salani, 2014, ed. by Serena Bertogliatti.

Lindstedt, Laura, Oneiron. Racconti sulla soglia tra la vita e la morte, Roma, Elliot, 2016, transl. by Irene Sorrentino.

Inkala, Jouni, All’equinozio d’autunno. E altre poesie 1992-2017, Rovigo, Il Ponte del Sale, 2017 transl. by Antonio Parente.

Kontio, Tomi, Parla la luce con voce di cornacchia, Rovigo, Il Ponte del Sale, 2013, ed. by Antonio Parente.

Venho, Johanna, Virtuosi incantesimi, Borgomanero (Novara), Ass. Culturale Atelier, 2006, transl. by Antonio Parente.

Itäranta, Emmi, La memoria dell’acqua, Segrate (Milano), Frassinelli, 2015, transl. by Nicola Rainò.

Parente, Antonio (ed.), Il limite della neve. La nuova poesia finlandese, Sesto S. Giovanni (Milano), Mimesis-Hebenon, 2011.

Further bibliographical help will be supplied during the lessons.

 Hungarian literature

Nuzzo, Armando, La letteratura degli ungheresi, Budapest, ELTE Eötvös Collegium, 2012.

Ruspanti, Roberto (ed.), Storia, letteratura, cultura dei popoli del Regno d'Ungheria all'epoca della Monarchia austro-ungarica (1867-1918), Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2013.

Kiss, József, Fuochi, Rimini, Panozzo Editore, 2000, ed. by Carla Corradi Musi.


The reading of two of the following texts will be required:

Corradi Musi, Carla (ed.), Lo sciamano e il suo doppio, Bologna, Carattere, 2007.

Corradi Musi, Carla (ed.), Simboli e miti della tradizione sciamanica, Bologna, Carattere, 2007.

Corradi Musi, Carla (ed.), Sciamanesimo in Eurasia. Dal mito alla tradizione, Roma, Aracne, 2008.

Corradi Musi, Carla (ed.), Sul cammino delle metamorfosi tra gli Urali e il Mediterraneo. Dal mito alle trasformazioni sociali, Bologna, Edizioni CINE//SINE, 2013.

Ferrari, Giorgia - Martin, Sanna Maria (eds.), Sciamani, letterati e artisti. Dalla Lapponia al cuore dell'Europa, Roma, Aracne, 2016.

Rozsnyói, Zsuzsanna (ed.), Il dio Eros e l’uomo. Voci di cantori e narratori del mondo ugrofinnico, Roma, Aracne, 2016.


The reading of two of the following works will be required:

Márai, Sándor, Volevo tacere, Milano, Adelphi, 2017, transl. by Laura Sgarioto.

Márai, Sándor, Il gabbiano, Milano, Adelphi, 2017, transl. by Laura Sgarioto.

Nádas, Péter, Libro di memorie, Milano, Baldini Castoldi Dalai editore, 2012, transl. by Laura Sgarioto.

Spiró, György, Collezione di primavera, Parma, Guanda, 2012, transl. by Bruno Ventavoli.

Esterházy, Péter, Non c’è arte, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2012, transl. by Mariarosa Sciglitano, ed. by Giorgio Pressburger.

 Further bibliographical help will be supplied during the lessons.

Teaching methods

Direct lessons by the teacher.

Assessment methods

Finnish literature 1 (Lm)

Assessment of knowledge of the analysed themes of written and oral Finnish literature, in a comparative perspective with the Hungarian literature, consists of an oral examination, which may be preceded, depending on the student's request, by written reports. After an initial series of lectures, with regular frequency (approx. three times), the student can choose to write a report (of approx. 8 pages), accompanied by bibliographical notes, on a theme of the course, agreed in advance with the professor. The report, written in accordance with the criteria of correct expression, after being corrected by the professor, is presented and discussed by the student during the class, led by the professor. The assessment is based on an oral examination in order to assess the critical knowledge of the topics and texts under examination taken together, the knowledge of the bibliographic material, the capacity for analysis and synthesis and the modalities of expression of the student. An excellent mark will be given to the student who shows a full knowledge, a deep critical reworking of the topics, an adequate capacity for analysis and synthesis and a high level of mastery of expression. A discrete mark will be given to the student who shows general mnemonic knowledge of the discipline, sufficiently developed synthetic and analytical skills expressed with a correct but not entirely appropriate language; some learning gaps, non-appropriate language and minimal knowledge of the examination material will lead to a sufficient mark. Serious learning gaps, non-appropriate language and insufficient knowledge of the topics considered in the course will be negatively evaluated.

Hungarian literature 1 (Lm)

Assessment of knowledge of the analysed themes of written and oral Hungarian literature, in a comparative perspective with the Finnish literature, consists of an oral examination, which may be preceded, depending on the student's request, by written reports. After an initial series of lectures, with regular frequency (approx. three times), the student can choose to write a report (of approx. 8 pages), accompanied by bibliographical notes, on a theme of the course, agreed in advance with the professor. The report, written in accordance with the criteria of correct expression, after being corrected by the professor, is presented and discussed by the student during the class, led by the professor. The assessment is based on an oral examination in order to assess the critical knowledge of the topics and texts under examination taken together, the knowledge of the bibliographic material, the capacity for analysis and synthesis and the modalities of expression of the student. An excellent mark will be given to the student who shows a full knowledge, a deep critical reworking of the topics, an adequate capacity for analysis and synthesis and a high level of mastery of expression. A discrete mark will be given to the student who shows general mnemonic knowledge of the discipline, sufficiently developed synthetic and analytical skills expressed with a correct but not entirely appropriate language; some learning gaps, non-appropriate language and minimal knowledge of the examination material will lead to a sufficient mark. Serious learning gaps, non-appropriate language and insufficient knowledge of the topics considered in the course will be negatively evaluated.

Teaching tools

Audiovisual support will be used.

Office hours

See the website of Carla Corradi