45070 - Corporate and Innovation Economics

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

The cours aims at providing a thorough understanding of the capitalistic firm, linking together its historical, political and institutional features, and exploring the interactions between such features and the technical-scientifical side of the matter.

Although the theme of the course is by definition a micro one, it is assumed that the macro-frame of each theme in the program is a necessary complement of its presentation.

Contributions by experts and professionals in single fields are envisaged.

Attending the lectures, although not compulsory, is warmly encouraged.

Course contents

The course is divided into 2 parts.

In the first one, the firm is studied mainly from the historical standpoint.

After an outline of the origin and development of firms in the West, and a look at other continents, the analysis will concentrate on a number of important topics, covering the centuries from the XIX to the present day.

The 'Four Industrial Revolutions' will be examined in their main facets, with a particular concern for the intersections among organizational, technical, scientific, institutional, historical and political aspects.

Case-studies (e.g. FIAT, Olivetti, but also smaller enterprises) from the past and from the current economic environment will be outlined.

A particular attention will be devoted to the problem of the State intervention in the industrial development of modern countries. The peculiar case of Italy, but also those of other countries (namely, USA) will be examined thoroughly.

Sequentially, the age of privatization, leading to the rise of Neo-Liberalism in Economics, will be dealt with, and analysed in its implications.

Industrial districts in Italy will be the object of one of the final lecture of part I.

In the second part, care of dr. Francesco Coco, the issue of firm's social responsibility will come to the centre of the analysis. Connected themes, e.g. circular economy, green economy a.o. will also be dealt with.

Finally, some time will be devoted to the problems concerning the financing of innovations, and the many obstacle that may hinder such development.



The very nature of the themes discourages the adoption of one reference textbook.

References to the existing literature will be provided according with the need.

Teaching methods

Traditional lecture

Assessment methods

Written essay.

The essay, for which there are no strict formal requirement of length and style, will have to be about an issue chosen among those dealt with during the course. The choice will have to be defined under the guidance of the teacher.

The issue will have to be framed in terms of analytical problem, and differing point of view provided by the literature will have to be reviewed and evaluated.

Teaching tools

Slides available at AMSCampus.

Office hours

See the website of Fabio Nuti Giovanetti

See the website of Francesco Coco