30965 - Portuguese and Brazilian Language and Linguistics 1

Academic Year 2016/2017

Learning outcomes

At  the end of  this module, students should be able to reach Level B1 of the language proficiency levels described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Course contents

This course (Introduction to contemporary Portuguese) aims to give a deeper insight into some essential aspects involving language variation, such as geographical variation, which could better explain the differentiation process of Portuguese in several Portuguese-speaking countries. Parallel to geographical variation, this course will take into account important work being done by social contexts on changes currently underway, trying to provide an overview of the two main varieties of Portuguese (European and Brazilian Portuguese), as they stand at the moment.





- Ivo Castro, Storia della lingua portoghese, Roma, Bulzoni Editore, 2006, pp. 9-48;

- Roberto Mulinacci, "Lusofonie" in I Quaderni Speciali di Limes ( "Lingua è potere"), n. 3, 2010, pp. 179-188;

- Maria Helena Mira Mateus, Aspectos da fonologia portuguesa, Lisboa, 1982;

- Annette Hendruschat - Juergen Schmidt-Radefeldt, Introdução básica à linguística do português, Lisboa, 2015.

Further bibliographical references will be provided during the lessons.

Teaching methods

The course consists of a series of lectures (30 hours) which will be integrated with Portuguese language classes.

Assessment methods

The final exam is organized in three parts. An oral exam in Italian with the coordinator of the course. Questions will focus on contemporary Portuguese, its geography, phonology, morphology and syntax. Evaluation of this part will take into consideration students' knowledge and their communicative skills. The remaining two parts will focus on language skills. They are made up of a written and an oral exam. Students must pass the written part before taking the oral. The written part tests grammar, reading comprehension and writing abilities. The oral exam is  a conversation with the language teacher to test students' communicative skills. The final mark is an average of the mark of these three components.


Teaching tools

Computer based presentations (Power Point) and multimedia resources.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Roberto Mulinacci