02367 - Otorhinolaryngology (L-Z)

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

After completing this module, the student knows the major otorhinolaryngoiatric diseases occurring in the pediatric and adult ages; he knows ENT pathologic variations during systemic disorders and cranio-facial pathologies; he knows semiotics and diagnostic/therapeutic principles corresponging to the above points.

Course contents

Clinical vestibology: anatomy, physiology, clinical and instrumental semiotics. Main vestibular disorders. Facial nerve palsy. Anatomy, physiology and semiotics of the nose and paranasal cavities. Diagnosis and therapy of the major nasal and paranasal diseases. Anatomy, physiology and semiotics of the pharynx. Diagnosis and therapy of the major pharyngeal diseases. Anatomy, physiology and semiotics of the larynx. Diagnosis and treatment of the major laryngeal pathologies. Tracheotomy. Laterocervical swelling.  


It is possible to improve personal knowledges with some specialistic text books such as:
- M. Barbara et al: "Manuale di Otorinolaringoiatria" I and II book. SEE-Firenze, 2006-2009.
- Pignataro et al "Trattato di Otorinolaringoiatria ed Audiologia". EDISES Napoli, 2012.

Teaching methods

Lectures. Internship of Otorhinolaryngology.

Assessment methods

Multiple choice quizzes.There is the possibilty, on request, to take orally the examination.

Teaching tools

Slides (Microsoft Office Power Point) and videos from PC with a video projector.

Office hours

See the website of Gian Gaetano Ferri