49335 - Medical Anthropology (L-Z)

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will acquire the theoretical and methodological tools to adequately consider the socio-cultural dynamics recorded in the experience of illness and forms of care. Starting from the consideration that the process of translating signs of malaise in disease symptoms is mediated by cultural frames of reference, taking no account of the patient's perspective involves the risk of not understanding the meaning of his experience and hampers his participation in the therapeutic process. These themes emerge as central not only in the case of foreign patients, whose cultural context may be very different from that of the medical staff, but in every experience of illness. Through long-established tools, a higher efficiency of the services provided (by reducing the drop out, the non-compliance and barriers to access) and a greater therapeutic effectiveness (thus promoting the health of the population) can be achieved on these issues.

In particular, the student advance her/his knowledge of:

- Cultural moulding of  the illness experience;

- Doctor-patient communication;

- The impact of socio-economic processes on the production of risk factors and diseases;

- Implementation of models for operationalising these problems in the context of the doctor-patient encounter and the more general process of health promotion.

Course contents


Testo base:Problematizzando Epistemologie In Salute Colettiva Saperi dalla Cooperazione Brasile e Italia http://www.redeunida.org.br/editora/biblioteca-digital/serie-saude-coletiva-e-cooperacao-internacional

I testi di approfondimento sono:  
SEZIONE CULTURA: 1) da “Elementi di antropologia culturale”, Fabietti 2) “Identità etniche o politiche?”, Aime 3) “Gli equivoci delle culture”, Zoletto 4) “Il contributo dell'antropologia medica per una medicina interculturale”, Quaranta SEZIONE CORPO E INCORPORAZIONE 5) “Un approccio critico interpretativo in antropologia medica”, Scheper-Hughes, Lock in Quaranta “Antropologia medica. I testi fondamentali” 6) “Introduzione”, Mattalucci-Yilmaz, in “Corpi. Annuario di Antropologia” SEZIONE SALUTE MALATTIA 7) Introduzione a “Antropologia medica. I testi fondamentali”, Quaranta 8) “Alcuni concetti e un modello per la comparazione dei sistemi medici intesi come sistemi culturali”, Kleinman 9) “Antropologie della “ illness” e della “ sickness”, Young in Quaranta “Antropologia medica. I testi fondamentali” 10) ”Dalla comunicazione dell'informazione alla produzione del significato come strategia per la promozione del diritto di salute”, Quaranta SEZIONE VIOLENZA STRUTTURALE E SOFFERENZA SOCIALE 11) “Introduzione”, Quaranta in “Sofferenza sociale. Annuario Antropologia ” 12) “Sofferenza e violenza strutturale. Diritti sociali ed economici nell'era globale”, Farmer in Quaranta “Antropologia medica. I testi fondamentali” 13) “I determinanti di salute”, Martino SEZIONE SCIENZA E MEDICINA 14) “Dipendenza dell'osservazione dalla teoria”, Chalmers in “Che cos'è questa scienza?” Chalmers 15) “Fare” i medici ”, Pizza in Antropologia Medica. Saperi, pratiche e politiche del corpo
Per ulteriori approfondimenti:  Ivo Quaranta (a cura di)- Antropologia medica - I testi fondamentali. Raffaello Cortina Editore Giovanni Pizza, Antropologia medica: saperi, pratiche e politiche del corpo, Roma.
Carocci Byron J. Good. Narrare la malattia. Lo sguardo antropologico sul rapporto medico-paziente, Einaudi 
World Health Organization, Final report of the Measurement and Evidence Knowledge Network - The social determinants of health: developing an evidence base for political action, WHO 2007. http://www.who.int/social_determinants/resources/mekn_final_report_102007.pdf 
World Health Organization, Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health Geneva, 2008.  
World Health Organization, The world health report 2008: primary health care now more than ever, Geneva 2008.    
Articoli in bibliografia:
Benzeval M., Judge K., Whitehead M., Tackling inequalities in Health: An agenda for action, King's Fund, London, 1995. 
Crawford R., Are you dangerous to your health: the ideology and politics of victim blaming. Embodying Inequality Epidemiologic Perspectives, in Krieger N. (a cura di), Baywood Publishing Company, New York, 2005.  
Csordas, T.J., Embodiment as a paradigm for anthropology, Ethos: Journal of the society for Psychological anthropology, 18, 1990.
Farmer P., An anthropology of structural violence, Current Anthropology, vol. 45, 2004. Fassin D., The Biopolitics of Otherness: Undocumented Foreigners and Racial Discrimination in French Public Debate. Anthropology Today Vol. 17, No. 1, Feb., 2001. 
Janes C.R., Corbett K.K., Anthropology and global health, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 38, 20 Kleinman A., Concepts and a model for the comparison of medical systems, Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 12, 1978. 
Kleinman A., Patients and healers in the context of culture: An exploration of the borderland between anthropology, medicine, and psychiatry, University of California Press, England, 1980. 
Krieger N., Epidemiology and the web of causation: has anyone seen the spider?, Soc Sci Med, 1994, 39:887–903. 
Krieger N., Theories for social epidemiology in the 21st century: an ecosocial perspective. Int J Epidemiol, 2001, 30:668–677.
Labonté R., Mohindra K., Schrecker T., The Growing Impact of Globalization for Health and Public Health Practice, Annual Review of Public Health, 2011, Vol. 32.
Whitehead M., Dahlgren G., Evans T., Equity and health sector reforms: can low-income countries escape the medical poverty trap?, Lancet. 2001, 8, 358(9284): 833-6

 UN Statistic Division. http://unstats.un.org/unsd/default.htm WHO, 
Social Determinants of health http://www.who.int/social_determinants/en/

Ulteriori materiali verranno indicati durante lo svolgimento delle lezioni, in base alle esigenze specifiche delgi studenti.

Teaching methods

Assessment methods

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Ardigò Martino