37199 - Laboratory of Anatomy (Part 1) (AK-A)

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the macro- and microscopic lab activities, through the use of human bones, plastic models, plastinated organs and human corpses, the student is able to describe the human body and its tridimensional, topographic and functional relations.

Course contents

The Integumentary System  

The Skeletal System: Bone Tissue

The Skeletal System: The Axial Skeleton and skull

The Skeletal System: The Appendicular Skeleton


Muscular Tissue

The Muscular System

The Cardiovascular System: The Blood

The Cardiovascular System: The Heart

The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics

The Lymphatic System and Immunity

The Respiratory System


Netter F., Atlante di Anatomia Umana, Edra

Netter F. Atlante interattivo di Anatomia Umana, Edra

Rohen-Yokochi, Atlante fotografico di Anatomia descrittiva e topografica, Piccin

Atlante di Anatomia, Prometheus, EdiSes

Young B. et al., Wheater Istologia ed Anatomia microscopica, Edra

Teaching methods

Gross anatomy
The teachers are always present in the classrooms where the workshops are held, to help students, divided into groups, to use the available material, leading them to a better comprehension of the discipline.
Under the guidance of tutors (senior students), some anatomy surface activities are organized, so that students can identify the main landmarks of the splancnic organs starting from the bony structures of reference.

Microscopic anatomy
The teachers, after an extensive description of the microscopic features of individual organs, help students, divided into small groups, during the observation of the microscopic slides.

Assessment methods

The final verification consists of an oral exam in which the student must demonstrate the acquired knowledge of the systematic and topographical anatomy and neuroanatomy of the various organs. Students must also identify the anatomical structure of a microscopic slide.

Teaching tools

Lectures using computer presentations.
CT and MR imaging,

Office hours

See the website of Matilde Yung Follo