70815 - Simple and Mixed Acid-Base Imbalance and Parameters to Assess Acid-Base Disorders Considered by Nephrologist

Academic Year 2013/2014

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student must be able to recognize the different

disorder of acid-base balance. The student must in fact be able to:

A)    Know technical execution of arterial blood gas analysis.

B)     Recognize the pure and mixed disorder of acid-base balance.

C)    Hypothesize potential clinical causes of acid-base balance alterations.

D)    To take measures for their therapeutic correction.

Course contents

Arterial puncture for arterial blood gas analysis.

The role of the kidney in acid–base balance.

Modifying causes for the acid-base bilance.

Metabolic acidosis.

Metabolic alkalosis.

Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis vs respiratory acidosis and alkalosis.

Concept of anion gap, osmolar gap and ∆ ratio.

Mixed disorder of acid-base balance.

Clinical settings with predictable pathological alteration of acid-base balance.

Tutorials on normal arterial blood gas analysis.

Tutorials on pathologic arterial blood gas analysis.

Management and treatment of acid-base balance.

Management and treatment of acid-base balance.


Educational material provided by the completion of the course:


reference articles identified by the teachers

Teaching methods

Lessons and interactive activities

Assessment methods

The course will conclude with a test that aims to assess the achievement of the following educational objectives:

-to understand the theoretical and practical knowledge in order to perform sampling for arterial blood gas analysis.

- To learn about the physiological role of kidney in acid base balance regulation and its involvement in major disturbances of acid-base balance.

- To be able to recognize the primary disorder of acid-base balance by reading the arterial blood gas analysis.

- To learn about the essential elements of therapy of acidosis and alkalosis.

 The proficiency test will be held at the end of the course in writing with questions focusing on educational objectives listed above. Votes are not assigned: the test gets the verbalization of course eligibility. To get the test exam, the student requires the documented course frequency. Verbalization of the evaluation takes place at the test itself.

Teaching tools

Lectures, dummies classroom training

Office hours

See the website of Gaetano La Manna