02621 - Entomology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Moduli: Serena Magagnoli (Modulo Mod 1) Fabio Sgolastra (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo Mod 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Marketing and Economics of the Agro-Industrial System (cod. 5833)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will know the morphology, anatomy of insects; the biology and ethology of the main pest and beneficial insects. The student will be able to understand the relationship between insects and agro-ecosystems in the framework of the integrated pest management.

Course contents

MODULE 1. Biodiversity, systematics and conservation of insects

1. Systematics, taxonomy and evolution of insects

2. Biodiversity

2.1. Entomological biodiversity;

2.2.The value of biodiversity;

2.3. The importance of insects and their ecosystem services;

2.4. Insect decline;

2.5. Insect systematics;

2.5.1. «Entognatha» and the «true insects»;

2.5.2. Main insect orders.

MODULE 2. Biology and insect pest control methods

1. The agro-ecosystem and insect population dynamics

1.1. Agro-ecosystems;

1.2. Insect population dynamics;

1.3. Insect spread and problems related to the introduction of exotic insects;

1.4. "Beneficial" and "pest" insects;

2. General morphological, anatomical, physiological traits of insects

2.1. External anatomy

2.2. Internal anatomy and physiology:muscles and locomotion, nervous system, endocrine system, circulatory system, tracheal system, alimentary canal and digestion, excratory system, reproductive system

2.3. Sensory systems and behaviour

2.4. Reproduction and development

3. Insect pest control in agro-ecosystems

3.1. Biological and microbiological control

3.2. Mechanical, physical and agronomical control.

3.3. Chemical control and side effects of pesticides

3.4. Integrated pest management


Laboratory activities on morpholoy and anatomy of insects

  • Visit of the Entomological Collection in the Department
  • Field activities
  • Seminars and workshops



Il will be very important the use of the material (slides) distributed by the teacher (in Italian) and the lecture notes.


Tremblay E.- Entomologia applicata. Volume primo: Generalità e Mezzi di Controllo.- Liguori editore, Napoli

Gullan P.J., Cranston P.S., 2006.- Lineamenti di Entomologia. Zanichelli, Bologna

Masutti L., Zangheri S., 2001.- Entomologia generale e applicata.- CEDAM, Padova

Pollini A., 2013.- Entomologia applicata.2a ed. Edagricole, Milano (solo specie in programma)

Colazza S., Peri E., Lo Bue P. 2018. – Lineamenti di Entomologia in agricoltura biologica, Palermo University Press.

Textbook for students that want to take the final exam in English:

Gullan P.J. and Cranston P.S. 2000 - The Insects. An outline of Entomology. Blackwell Science Ltd

Teaching methods

The course is composed of 5 ECT performed with slides which will be available to the students for the preparation of the exam. Practical activities will be alternated to the lectures. During the exam preparation, the students will be encouraged at watching the entomological boxes available at the Entomology area in a special classroom.

Assessment methods

The final exam consists of an oral test (duration: about 15 minutes). The student, during the exam, will have also to recognize insect species and groups in entomological boxes, similar to those available in the Entomology area (viale Fanin 42, III floor).

Students can require to take the final exam in English.

Teaching tools

PC, Projector, Entomological Collection

Office hours

See the website of Fabio Sgolastra

See the website of Serena Magagnoli