39976 - Spanish Language (Course and Laboratory) II (Gr. A)

Academic Year 2023/2024

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student must demonstrate the ability to read essays or university texts on social sciences and political sciences in Spanish and to report on or discuss them, using vocabulary and syntaxes corresponding to a level of not less than B1 and, ideally, B2 (according to the Council of Europe Reference Framework). As far as the written language is concerned, the same student must also be able to write and organise a short text, using vocabulary and syntax corresponding at least to level B2.

Course contents

The Spanish Language and Laboratory II programme will be composed of a 30-hour course and a B1/B2 40-hour laboratory to be held during the first semester of the year. During the course and the laboratory, the non-linguistic topics covered will mainly concern the socio-political sphere of Spanish-speaking countries.

COURSE (attending students)
30 hours

See the Italian version for parts, modules and contents.

COURSE (non-attending students)

All units of modules C and D of Debate (see bibliography).

LABORATORY (attending students)
40 hours (B1 level)

See the Italian version for parts, modules, linguistic contents, communicative practices, partial and continuous evaluations.


For attending students

J.C. Barbero, F. Bermejo e F. San Vicente, Contrastiva. Grammatica della lingua spagnola, Bologna, Clueb, 2018 (for grammar consultation).

J.C. Barbero e F. San Vicente, Quaderni di esercizi di lingua spagnola, Bologna, Clueb, 2017 (for self-study exercises).

For non-attending students

J.C. Barbero, F. Bermejo e F. San Vicente, Contrastiva. Grammatica della lingua spagnola, Bologna, Clueb, 2010 (for grammar consultation).

J.C. Barbero e F. San Vicente, Quaderni di esercizi di lingua spagnola, Bologna, Clueb, 2017 (for self-study exercises).

F. San Vicente e H. E. Lombardini, Debate, Bologna, Clueb, 2010. Moduli C e D (for historical-political section).

Teaching methods


The Spanish I course (30 teaching hours) will be held in the first semester. During said course readings, grammar discussions, communicative exercises and activities will be used to develop reading and listening comprehension and help students build their vocabulary, looking at the forms and/or structures as well as at the colloquial or formal aspects of the language.


During the second semester students will attend an B1 level laboratory covering 40 teaching hours. This laboratory will provide students with extra practice and theoretical background, through exercises and supplementary explanations, of the essential structures of the Spanish language which are necessary for an appropriate communicative proficiency.

Working students

Working students are asked to contact the lecturer by e-mail (hugo.lombardini@unibo.it) in order to arrange an appointment in which to decide on a personal strategy for Spanish Language and Laboratory II.

Assessment methods

Attending students

An attendance of, minimum, 60% of the lessons is strongly suggested (out of the total number of hours of the course and the laboratory added up), to ensure that students will be able to acquire the notions, functions and develop the skills practised throughout the course.

The final grade of the subject is based on the average of the course/workshop + a grade (from 0 to 3) for the oral examination.

The average of the course/workshop is made up as follows: the mid-term tests grades’ and the course/workshop continuous assessment. The continuous assessment will be qualitative and quantitative.

For everything concerning both the written tests and the written works required during the subject, special reference is made to Article 25.2 of the Code of Ethics [https://normateneo.unibo.it/codice_etico.html] adopted by our University.

Only one of the two mid-term tests may be made up (the one in which the student was absent or did not achieve the minimum grade, or any one chosen by the student in order to raise the average obtained). Make-ups will take place only and exclusively on the first date of the summer exam sessions. If a student who must take the make-up test does not show up, or does not pass said make-up, s/he will be considered a "non-attending" student.

The oral exam (after a brief first-sight reading test) will consist of a conversation with the examiner about familiar topics, the student’s daily routine, the neighbourhood where s/he lives etc. During this interview students must show their speaking proficiency is that of an A2 level candidate (as per CEFR standards). An A2 level speaker can talk about familiar topics using common everyday expressions and very common structures, can describe, narrate, give an opinion, hypothesize and give orders, all this with the appropriate language structures and without making serious and/or frequent mistakes

In order to be allowed to take the oral exam, students must enrol at ALMAESAMI. Attending students will have the possibility to present themselves for the oral test - maintaining the average obtained in the Course/Workshop - until the following September's exam session.

Attending students will have the opportunity to replace the oral examination with a talk/presentation of a historical-political topic. General instructions for this substitution will be given in class.

Remember: each student can take the test ONLY ONCE on each exam date (this indication is valid only for students of the three-year degree course (triennale]).

Non-attending students

The examination for non-attending students will take place according to the following schedule:

- Section 1 o Grammar section is composed of 30 items ranging from levels A1 to A2. Total score: 30 points. Please, notice that, in order to access the Section 2 of the test, the student shall score a minimum of 18 points. There is a set time lapse to complete the section (25 minutes).

- Section 2 or Historical-Political section is composed of 15 items based on Debate (see bibliography for the course- also in IOL). Total score: 15 points. Please, notice that, in order to access the Section 3 of the test, the student shall score a minimum of 9 points. There is a set time limit to complete the section (13 minutes).

- Section 3 or Writing section is composed of a series of exercises (to extract main ideas, to transform sentences from direct to indirect speech, to express opinions, to value judgements and to make proposals) based on the reading of a newspaper article. Total score: 15 points. There is a set time limit to complete the section (35 minutes).

- Section 4 or Oral section. Students who pass the previous three written sections of the test with, a least, 36/60 (i.e.: 18/30) will be eligible to take the oral exam. The oral exam will test the contents in the syllabus of the attending students. (See Italian version)

In order to be allowed to take the non-attending exam, students must enrol at ALMAESAMI.

For everything concerning the written examination, special reference is made to article 25.2 of the Code of Ethics [https://normateneo.unibo.it/codice_etico.html] adopted by our University.

Remember: each student can take the test ONLY ONCE on each exam date (this indication is valid only for students of the three-year degree course (triennale]).

Teaching tools

Textbook and exercises, grammar and exercise book, dictionaries, Internet, electronic slides, newspaper articles, printed material, CDs and DVDs, transparencies, etc.

In thise page:


you will find a self-study Spanish course till B1 level (you must enter with your institutional credentials).

Office hours

See the website of Hugo Edgardo Lombardini