84967 - Nutrition and Metabolism Disorders

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Health Biology (cod. 5729)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: learned the causes, the pathophysiological mechanisms, some clinical aspects of the main diseases of the endocrine system and the metabolism with particular reference to diabetes mellitus, obesity, dyslipidemias, osteoporosis, pituitary pathologies, thyroid and adrenocortical and adrenal pathologies.

Course contents

- thyroid pathologies

- adrenal pathologies

- gonadal pathologies

- pathologies of bone mineral metabolism

- type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome

- obesity and therapies


updated guidelines are presented each year

Teaching methods

the course is essentially divided into two parts:

- the theoretical part in which the main mechanisms of regulation of the various endocrine axes and the specific pathologies of each system will be illustrated with slides

- the practical part of interpretation of exams and laboratory tests, with reference to the concepts of pathophysiology and hints of therapy

Assessment methods

from laboratory tests, the presumed diagnosis and presumable therapy will be discussed, naturally referring to the topics covered in class

Teaching tools

no textbooks are needed, only active participation in the lessons

Office hours

See the website of Valentina Vicennati