81374 - Modern and Contemporary Mediterranean History

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Mediterranean Societies and Cultures: Institutions, Security, Environment (cod. 5696)

Learning outcomes

The course aims at reconstructing the historical and political evolution of the Mediterranean area. Employing an extended definition of the latter, the course will place particular emphasis on the interactions between the basin's northern and southern shores and between its Western and Eastern areas. Classes will examine in depth the most important events of the Eighteenth Century, moving on to the Napoleonic era and finally focusing on the evolution of Nation States, as well as on the slow but inexorable erosion of the Ottoman Empire. This will be done by devoting particular attention to the interweaving of regional international relations and domestic policies, as well as to the interrelation between the economic and social evolution of the area. The European thirty years' war will constitute a prelude to the Mediterranean Cold War and to the regional impact of the establishment of the Israeli State in the Middle Eastern area. Moreover, the analysis will touch upon the interaction attempts between the northern and southern shores of the basin, taking into account the mediation role of the European integration process. By the end of the course, students will be able to historicise the main historical-political events of the Mediterranean area in the period spanning from the great geographical discoveries to the end of the bipolar world order.

Course contents

The purpose of the course is to provide students with a general picture of the historical and political context of the Mediterranean area, starting from the XVIII century and exploring its evolution up until the aftermath of the Cold War. The course will be structured along three different sections. While the first two will be devoted to the XVIII and XIX centuries, the third will concern the period from the end of the XIX century to 1945. The main aim of the course is to describe and explain the historical and political evolution of the Mediterranean area by taking into account the interactions among the most prominent State actors of the area itself. As a further hallmark of the course, particular attention will be devoted to the interrelation of the historical and political dynamics of the Mediterranean area and those of other geopolitical areas, such as the Atlantic, Asian and African ones. Indeed, while external, these geopolitical realities are still closely related to the Mediterranean, especially in particular historical phases such as the main stages of Imperialism and the first half of the XXth century. Lastly, the course will place a special emphasis on the interweaving of the national, imperial and supranational governance dimensions, as well as on the interrelation of the socio-cultural, religious dimension and the political one.

1st Section – The Mediterranean in the XVIII Century's world (15 hours)

An English sea

An Ottoman sea

The foray of the Russian "giant"

Napoleon's hegemonic attempt

The Mediterranean at the Congress of Vienna

2nd Section – The return at the centre (15 hours)

Between constitutionalism and nation (Italy and Greece through a continental persepective)

An “Eastern Question” (Farther than Crimea)

Algeria and Egypt

Suez: the end of the “enclosed sea”

The scramble for Africa before and after Bismarck

3rd Section - Between "long XIX century" and the end of World War II (30 hours)

The decline of the Mediterranean West

The thirty years' war and the Mediterranean

The end of the “Mediterranean empires”

The crisis of the Euro-Mediterranean Liberalism

A Mediterranean fascism?

A new totalitarian order?

Towards a Euro-Atlantic Mediterranean Sea







- Lessons' contents

- F. Canale Cama-D. Casanova-R.M. Delli Quadri, Storia del Mediterraneo moderno e contemporaneo, Guida Editori, 2017

One of the following volumes:

F. Canale Cama (a cura di), Una guerra mediterranea. Grande guerra, Imperi e Nazioni nel Mediterraneo, Rubbettino, 2018

F. Canale Cama, Quella pace che non si fece. Francesco Saverio Nitti e la pace tra Europa e Mediterraneo (1919-1922), Rubbettino, 2020

B. Carter Hett, Morte della democrazia. L'ascesa di Hitler e il crollo della Repubblica di Weimar, Einaudi, 2019

C. Clark, I Sonnambuli. Come l'Europa arrivò alla Grande guerra, Laterza, 2013

O. Figes, Crimea. L’ultima crociata, Einaudi, 2015

J.L. Gelvin, Storia del Medio Oriente moderno, Einaudi, 2021

E. Gentile, Ascesa e declino dell'Europa nel mondo 1898-1918, Garzanti, 2018

E. Gentile, Fascismo. Storia e interpretazione, Laterza, 2002

F.L. Grassi, Ataturk. Il fondatore della Turchia moderna, Salerno, 2020

P. Jankowski, Il lungo inverno del 1933. Alle origini della Seconda guerra mondiale, Laterza, 2021

L. Kamel, Dalle profezie all’Impero. L’espansione britannica nel Mediterraneo orientale (1798-1878), Carocci, 2015 + O. Barié, Dall’Impero britannico all’impero americano, Le Lettere, 2013

N. Labanca, Oltremare. Storia dell'espansione coloniale italiana, Il Mulino, 2007

C. S. Maier, Leviatano 2.0. La costruzione dello stato moderno, Einaudi, 2018

L. Mascilli Migliorini, Napoleone, Salerno, 2015

L. Mascilli Migliorini, Metternich, Salerno, 2014

S. McMeekin, Il crollo dell’Impero ottomano, Einaudi, 2017

R. Overy, La strada della vittoria. Perché gli Alleati hanno vinto la Seconda guerra mondiale, Il Mulino, 2002

S. Smith, La Rivoluzione russa. Un impero in crisi 1890-1928, Carocci, 2019

L. Sondhaus, La Prima guerra mondiale. Una rivoluzione globale, Einaudi, 2014

E.D. Weitz, La Germania di Weimar. Utopia e tragedia, Einaudi, 2019

O. Wieviorka, Storia della Resistenza nell'Europa occidentale, Einaudi, 2018

E.J. Zurcher, Porta d’Oriente. Una storia della Turchia dal ‘700 a oggi, Marsilio, 2016


F. Canale Cama-D. Casanova-R.M. Delli Quadri, Storia del Mediterraneo moderno e contemporaneo, Guida Editori, 2017

G. Galasso, Storia d’Europa, Laterza, 2016, (pp. 281-1000)

Three of the following volumes:

F. Canale Cama (a cura di), Una guerra mediterranea. Grande guerra, Imperi e Nazioni nel Mediterraneo, Rubbettino, 2018

F. Canale Cama, Quella pace che non si fece. Francesco Saverio Nitti e la pace tra Europa e Mediterraneo (1919-1922), Rubbettino, 2020

B. Carter Hett, Morte della democrazia. L'ascesa di Hitler e il crollo della Repubblica di Weimar, Einaudi, 2019

C. Clark, I Sonnambuli. Come l'Europa arrivò alla Grande guerra, Laterza, 2013

O. Figes, Crimea. L’ultima crociata, Einaudi, 2015

J.L. Gelvin, Storia del Medio Oriente moderno, Einaudi, 2021

E. Gentile, Ascesa e declino dell'Europa nel mondo 1898-1918, Garzanti, 2018

E. Gentile, Fascismo. Storia e interpretazione, Laterza, 2002

F.L. Grassi, Ataturk. Il fondatore della Turchia moderna, Salerno, 2020

P. Jankowski, Il lungo inverno del 1933. Alle origini della Seconda guerra mondiale, Laterza, 2021

L. Kamel, Dalle profezie all’Impero. L’espansione britannica nel Mediterraneo orientale (1798-1878), Carocci, 2015 + O. Barié, Dall’Impero britannico all’impero americano, Le Lettere, 2013

N. Labanca, Oltremare. Storia dell'espansione coloniale italiana, Il Mulino, 2007

C. S. Maier, Leviatano 2.0. La costruzione dello stato moderno, Einaudi, 2018

L. Mascilli Migliorini, Napoleone, Salerno, 2015

L. Mascilli Migliorini, Metternich, Salerno, 2014

S. McMeekin, Il crollo dell’Impero ottomano, Einaudi, 2017

R. Overy, La strada della vittoria. Perché gli Alleati hanno vinto la Seconda guerra mondiale, Il Mulino, 2002

S. Smith, La Rivoluzione russa. Un impero in crisi 1890-1928, Carocci, 2019

L. Sondhaus, La Prima guerra mondiale. Una rivoluzione globale, Einaudi, 2014

E.D. Weitz, La Germania di Weimar. Utopia e tragedia, Einaudi, 2019

O. Wieviorka, Storia della Resistenza nell'Europa occidentale, Einaudi, 2018

E.J. Zurcher, Porta d’Oriente. Una storia della Turchia dal ‘700 a oggi, Marsilio, 2016


Teaching methods

- classroom-taught lessons, video and power-point support

Assessment methods


A written examination at the end of the two first sections, on the lessons' material and the first part of the textbook.

A written examination at the end of the third section, on the lessons' material and the second part of the textbook.

An oral examination concerning the chosen volume and, if deemed necessary by the professor, on the lessons' material.



A written examination on the textbooks. An oral examination concerning the chosen volumes and, if deemed necessary by the professor, on the textbooks.

Office hours

See the website of Michele Marchi