85131 - Communication of Cultural Heritage

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Daniela Tisi
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-ART/04
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History, preservation and enhancement of artistic and archaeological heritage and landscape (cod. 9218)

Learning outcomes

The course is aimed at transmitting the notion of cultural heritage in relation to its evolution and to the contemporary issues of globalization and enhancement. By the end of the course, students will be able to elaborate cultural contents in relation to different communication tools (from the most traditional - signs and panels, media - to the most innovative ones with the use of information technologies - virtual reality, websites and social networks, apps), organise and implement cultural projects.

Course contents

After a preliminary theoretical overview on cultural heritage, its fruition and valorisation, and the relationship between cultural institutions and the territory, the course will delve into the theme of communication. It will then address the issue of cultural experience in relation to access, participation, and representation. Students will learn about the language and techniques of communication of cultural heritage. To complement the course, the most innovative experiences in the field of cultural communication will be analysed. Finally, students will be provided with the tools to deal with the planning and coordination of communication activities and enhancement of cultural heritage.


Course presentation - in-depth workshop – face-to-face lectures and practice - use of e-learning platform - final exam

Cultural heritage

Cultural heritage for the community. Tangible and intangible assets, museum collections and widespread assets, network of productive, economic, and social relations. Safeguard: an individual duty; accessibility: a collective right. Active protection and the possibility of participatory enhancement of cultural heritage. Unesco Conventions on cultural heritage. The Faro Convention

Integrated communication

The communicative process: components, forms, and function. Need for an all-around strategic approach from actors with varied skills and knowledge. Importance of overcoming the conflicts between humanistic and scientific knowledge. Need to adopt a new paradigm paving the way to new languages, new products and services, and a new method of accessing and using cultural heritage. The digital era as a profound cultural mutation paving the way to new scenarios.

Dialectical approach for the study of cultural heritage

The dialectical approach for the study of cultural heritage to overcome any logic of rigidity and opposition while rediscovering the strength and positivity of differences and pluralism. Adopting an exploratory attitude to encourage and support evolutionary collaborations in an enlarged vision projected towards the future. The effects of the dialectical approach on the vision of cultural heritage and integrated communication.

The Contemporary Museum

The Museum as an institution at the service of society and its development. The museum’s mission. The cultural experience between knowledge and emotion. Communication at the service of the mission. Unesco Recommendation on museums. Visitors and new audiences.

Elements of graphic and visual design for cultural heritage. The name and visual identity: from the basic elements to its applications. Contents, language, and form. Sustainable communication. Museum merchandising.

The potential of digital technologies

Promotion of the accessibility to cultural heritage. Structuring and introducing training and digital culture activities on a large scale to foster the development of territories.

Web strategy in cultural institutes. Web 2.0. Websites for cultural heritage: design (usability and aesthetics), management (sharing and participation), analysis and evaluation (quantity and quality). Web 3.0 for cultural institutions. Social networks for culture. Digital ecosystem and digital teams. Digital storytelling

The project tool

Setting up a communication project.


. Mandarano, Musei e digital media, Carrocci editore 2019

C. Da Milano- E Sciacchitano, Linee Guida per la comunicazione nei musei: segnaletica interna, didascalie e pannelli, Roma 2015 pdf Linee Guida [http://http//musei.beniculturali.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Linee-guida-comunicazione.PDF.pdf]

C. Da Milano- E Sciacchitano, Linee Guida per la comunicazione nei musei: segnaletica interna, didascalie e pannelli, Roma 2015 pdf Linee Guida [http://http//musei.beniculturali.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Linee-guida-comunicazione.PDF.pdf]

Approfondimenti per la redazione di didascalie e pannelli - Direzione Generale Musei - MIC [http://file///C:/Users/Utente/Downloads/Approfondimenti-per-la-redazione-di-didascalie-e-pannelli.pdf]

Webinar - La comunicazione digitale dei Musei: sfide e opportunità ai tempi del Covid-19

http://www.icom-italia.org/la-comunicazione-digitale-dei-musei-sfide-e-opportunita-ai-tempi-del-covid-19-17-dicembre-2020-in-collaborazione-con-regione-lombardia/ [http://http//www.icom-italia.org/la-comunicazione-digitale-dei-musei-sfide-e-opportunita-ai-tempi-del-covid-19-17-dicembre-2020-in-collaborazione-con-regione-lombardia/]

Glossario digitale e tecnologie - Commissione tecnologie digitali per il patrimonio culturale - Icom Italia

Glossario digitale e tecnologie - Commissione tecnologie digitali per il patrimonio - Icom [http://https//zenodo.org/record/4319030]

Piano triennale per la digitalizzazione e l'innovazione nei musei - Direzione generale Musei - MiC



 For non-attending students:

Non-attending students, in addition to the slides of the lessons and the compulsory texts, must integrate the preparation with the following texts:

  • C. Ferrari , La comunicazione dei beni culturali. Il progetto dell'identità visiva di musei, siti archeologici, luoghi della cultura, Milano 2007
  • V.Faletti - M.Maggi, I musei, Il Mulino 2012

Teaching methods

Face-to-face lectures - workshops

The lectures will take place in the classroom, in front of presentations projected on the screen which will be discussed through a critical examination. The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the main issues and to the methodological approach to the topic, in order to stimulate critical reflection by the student. Possibly there may also be seminar lessons, discussions with experts, discussion and reflection workshops and exercises aimed at stimulating practical activity.

Assessment methods

Oral exam

Non-attending students, having acquired the knowledge of the topics covered through the study of the presentations uploaded on the platform and the basic bibliography, will be required an in-depth focus of bibliographic material specifically.

The exam is carried out in oral form and provides for an evaluation out of thirty. As per the guidelines provided by the University, please note that:

  • the demonstration of the possession of an organic vision of the topics covered in class or within the exam texts together with their critical use, of an expressive mastery and of the specific language will be evaluated with marks of excellence (28-30);
  • mostly mechanical and/or mnemonic knowledge of the subject, poor synthesis and analysis skills and/or a correct but not always appropriate language will lead to fair evaluations (23-27);
  • training gaps and/or inappropriate language - albeit in a context of minimal knowledge of the exam material - will lead to marks that will not exceed the sufficiency (18-22).
  • training gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the bibliographic materials offered during the course can only be evaluated negatively.

Teaching tools

E-learning platform

Access to the platform is necessary for:

- download the lecture slides (mandatory for attending and non-attending students)

- freely consult further in-depth study material available to interested students

Office hours

See the website of Daniela Tisi


Quality education Decent work and economic growth Sustainable cities Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.