12053 - Landscape Architecture (B)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Moduli: Carla Tisselli (Modulo 1) Giorgio Liverani (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 0881)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 0881)

Learning outcomes

The Laboratory of Architectural Design IV (A) (C.I. 12 CFU) is mainly constituted of the characterizing teaching of Architecture and Architectural Composition II (8 CFU) and a Landscape Architecture Teaching (4 CFU).

Landscape Architecture (4 CFU) (A) and (B) constitute the doubling of a single teaching of Landscape Architecture of 24 hours of frontal teaching activity for each module. During the two days of laboratory, 2 hours will be dedicated to the teaching of "Landscape Architecture" and the remaining hours to "Architectural Composition". The final exam of the two teachings (Landscape Architecture - 4 CFU and Architectural Composition - 8 CFU) will be jointly supported and the evaluation will consider the results achieved in both modules.

Course contents

The course program “Landscape Architecture” approaches the landscape dimension from a dual perspective: landscape as the perceived reality, accessible through an aesthetic contemplation, and as socio-political space to which the technical-planning intervention is addressed.

The landscape appearance is the litmus test able to reveal the permanence as well as the changes that characterize the complex territorial identity: as a witness to the relationships that man has established with the territory through its artifices, the landscape constitutes an alternative way to investigate and reconsider the links between project and territory, between culture and nature.

The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the critical analysis of the landscape and its constituent elements in connection with the project design.


- Geoffrey Alan Jellicoe. L’architettura del paesaggio, Edizioni di Comunità, Milano, 1969. [I Ed. Londra 1960]

- Annalisa Maniglio Calcagno. Architettura del Paesaggio. Evoluzione storica, Franco Angeli, Milano 2006. [I Ed. Bologna 1983]

- L’architettura dei giardini d’occidente. Dal rinascimento al novecento. A cura di Monique Mosser e Georges Teyssot, Electa, Milano 1990.

- Lotus internazionale n. 30. Parchi urbani, Milano 1981/I.

- Giulio G. Rizzo: Il giardino privato di Roberto Burle Marx: Il Sìtio. Sessant'anni dalla fondazione. Cent'anni dalla nascita di Roberto Burle Marx, Roma, Gangemi Editore 2009.

- Carlo Tosco. Petrarca: paesaggi, città, architettura, Quodlibet, Macerata 2011.

- Clément G., Manifesto del Terzo Paesaggio, Quolibet, 2014

- Marco Trisciuoglio. L’architetto del paesaggio. Archeologia di un’idea, casa editrice Leo S. Olschki, Firenze 2018

Further and more specific bibliographical references will be provided during the course. Please refer also to the bibliography indicated for the course of "Architectural Composition IV" (A - B).

Teaching methods

The lab activity will combine lectures and analytical-critical reading exercises on study cases.

Assessment methods

The Laboratory of Architectural Design IV (A) (C.I. 12 CFU) is mainly constituted of the characterizing teaching of Architecture and Architectural Composition II (8 CFU) and a Landscape Architecture Teaching (4 CFU).

For the achievement of the suitability for the course will be required the elaboration of some graphic works in order to evaluate the analytical-critical reading capacity of the elements of the landscape. Further specifications will be provided during the course.

The final exam will combine the evaluation of the work developed and an oral discussion on the contents of the activities carried out during the course.

The assessment of learning will follow the same procedures for both courses (A) e (B).

Teaching tools

The teaching materials related to lectures and laboratory exercises will be available to the student in digital format on IOL platform (https://iol.unibo.it) or sent by e-mail.

Teaching tools

The teaching materials related to lectures and laboratory exercises will be available to the student in digital format on IOL platform (https://iol.unibo.it) or sent by e-mail.

Office hours

See the website of Carla Tisselli

See the website of Giorgio Liverani