04762 - Outfitting and Museography

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 0881)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student will have acquired sufficient knowledge to understand the complexity and articulation of an exhibition project in the museographic field. The student will also acquire the basic knowledge in the disciplinary field, learning the ability to prefigure meta-design schemes and solutions aimed at the project. The student will also be able to use the architectural project as a methodology aimed at the study and the definition of the creative process.

Course contents

"COLLECTING", "PRESERVING" and "PASS ON" are the archetypes and anthropological foundations of collecting and therefore museality in the broadest sense. The acquisition of the main historical experiences in the field of specific disciplinary, from the past to the current post-COVID-19 scenarios, becomes the preparatory condition for the formulation of a coherent knowledge. The term "set-up" (allestimento) identifies a precise design area peculiar to the architect. It is, in fact, a very wide field in itself that involves multiple disciplines: some related to history, such as conservation or archeology, others to communication such as graphics or semiotics, others to more technological fields such as lighting technology or industrial design, others to commercial fields such as marketing or merceology. The course aims to investigate this design sector considering it in its meaning of "place" of relationship between objects/subjects, overcoming the rigid classification of "products" to be exhibited or the conventional distinction between container and content.


M. T. Fiorio, Il museo nella storia. Dallo studiolo alla raccolta pubblica, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2011

L. Basso Peressut, Il museo moderno: architettura e museografia da Auguste Perret a Louis Kahn, Edizioni Lybra Immagine, Milano 2005

A. Huber, Il museo italiano: la trasformazione di spazi storici in spazi espositivi. Attualità dell'esperienza museografica degli anni '50, Edizioni Lybra Immagine, Milano 2005

M. L. Tomea Gavazzoli, Manuale di Museologia, Rizzoli, Milano 2011

A. C. Cimoli, Musei effimeri. Allestimenti di mostre in Italia 1949-1963, Il Saggiatore, Milano 2007

La città per l’uomo al tempo del COVID-19, a cura di M. Cannata, testi di G. M. Flick, L. Bergamo, M. Petranzan, F. Purini, S. Settis, La nave di Teseo, Milano 2020 (solo versione eBook)

Teaching methods

The teaching of the course is structured according to a "path" of approach to the discipline made possible by a synthetic bibliographic reference framework, deepened and enriched by an articulated program of ex cathedra lessons, by a share of "innovative" teaching (on-line) and by a design experience. In the lessons the fundamental themes of the discipline will be investigated, starting from some "key" words such as MEMORY, IMAGINATION, IDEATION, PROJECT, EXECUTION; comparative analyses will also be carried out on exemplary cases. During the lessons we will regularly resort to video projections. The lessons will be set up in a seminar manner, in order to encourage the personal critical contribution of the students; at the same time the progress of the project will be verified; issues, references, hypotheses, etc. will be discussed collectively.

Assessment methods

Students will be asked to carry out a design experience consisting in the reorganization and preparation of the eighteenth-century Physics section of the Palazzo Poggi Museum in Bologna, an integrated part of the SMA - University Museum System of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.The project is based on the creation of a "storytelling" related to the narrative path and the complex relationships that are established between the "collection" and the architectural space of the sixteenth-century palace frescoed by Pellegrino Tibaldi, Nicolò Dell'Abate and Prospero Fontana. The project will be carried out using the tools of architectural design taking into account the most appropriate graphic techniques for the theme. The graphic and analytical materials necessary for the drafting of the project, as well as a specific bibliography, will be provided during the course and made available on the platform virtuale.unibo.it.

The assessment of learning takes place through the evaluation of the design exercise, which ascertains the acquisition of the expected knowledge and skills through the performance of an oral test lasting at least 30 minutes without the help of notes or books.

The oral exam consists of: a revision of the design exercise during which the teacher informs the student about the correction criteria, receiving any clarifications of the student himself; an oral study aimed at ascertaining the knowledge of the bibliography and the general skills acquired applied to a critical discussion of the project. Passing the exam will be guaranteed to students who demonstrate mastery and operational ability in relation to the key concepts illustrated in the teaching, and in particular to the ability to understand and manage the complexity of the subject. A higher score will be given to students who demonstrate that they have understood and be able to use all the contents of the course by illustrating them with language properties, solving even complex issues, showing good operational control, etc. Failure to pass the exam may be due to insufficient knowledge of key concepts, failure to master the specific technical language, bibliography and lack or insufficient operational capacity.. The evaluation of the exam will be determined on the basis of the following criteria to which they will be assigned respectively up to a maximum of 6/30 each:

  1. quality of the papers submitted;
  2. quality of the proposed set-up system;
  3. effectiveness and expressiveness of the proposal;
  4. quality of executive details;
  5. congruence with the theoretical and bibliographic aspects of the course.

Design tutorial

Project for the reorganization and preparation of the eighteenth-century Physics section of the Palazzo Poggi Museum in Bologna, an integrated part of the SMA - University Museum System of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.

Project works

The works will be written design in A5 format in a notebook containing - in the form of "storytelling" - the entire design path (MOLESKINE Classic Notebook A5 cm 13x21 format - hardcover - paper 70 gr / sqm ivory or other similar) using manual and/or digital techniques of drawing (notes, reflections, sketches, quotes, collages, photo-insertions, etc.).

Visits to the SMA - University Museum System of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, museums, temporary exhibitions and companies operating in the disciplinary field will be organized.

Teaching tools

The lessons will take place with the use of graphic and photographic material presented in Power Point format; the teacher, using the document-camera supplied to the classrooms, will propose short sessions of drawing and graphic representation to support the problems addressed. The teaching material necessary for the project exercise will be made available to students on the virtuale.unibo.it platform in digital format.

Receipt time

Visit Giovanni Poletti's website.

Office hours

See the website of Giovanni Poletti


Quality education Gender equality Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.