82998 - Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Lia Ferrari
  • Credits: 2
  • SSD: ICAR/19
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Architecture (cod. 0881)

Learning outcomes

The module is focused on the knowledge of the historic factory by means of methodologies and protocols that mainly concern the transformations of architecture over time for the definition of interpretative and predictive models . The models allow the definition of the residual capacity of the building, a fundamental issuein the definition of a consolidation project.

Course contents

The Final Workshop: Design, History and Restoration (C.I.16 CFU, 192 hours) consists of the module/ teaching characteristic of Restoration (6 CFU, 72 hours) as well as a module/ teachings of:

- New technologies for the Survey of Architecture (2 CFU, 24 hours).

- Aesthetic and landscape (2 CFU, 24 hours);

- Rehabilitation of historic buildings (2 CFU, 24 hours);

- Design and active conservation of historic landscapes and open spaces (2 CFU, 24 hours);

- Architectural composition/museography (2 CFU, 24 hours).

The course will consist of lectures and practical activities of surveying and critical analysis of historic buildings. The course will be characterized by an intuitive approach, aimed at understanding cracked masonry structures through direct reading of the building and expeditious diagnostics, in relation to the art of building and building science. Through such analysis, the empirical interpretation of crack systems and the definition of building-compatible consolidation strategies will be achieved.




- Methodological approach to the static and seismic study of masonry buildings

- Legislative context: Guidelines for seismic risk assessment and reduction of cultural heritage and technical standards for construction


The path of knowledge

- Critical survey of the building for the analysis of the structural behavior and the definition of vulnerabilities: reconstruction of the historical evolution, geometric-structural survey, material-pathological survey and crack pattern survey (purposes, methods, and examples).

- Diagnostics of existing structures: experimental investigations and monitoring.


Constructive features for understanding historic buildings

- Art and science of building

- Masonry: materials and techniques used in masonry construction, mechanical behavior of masonry solids, seismic behavior of masonry boxes;

- Arches, vaults and domes: construction types, static behavior, crack systems and collapse mechanisms;

- Slabs and roofs: types (wood, steel and brick), material characteristics, deterioration and failure.

- Foundations: types and disorders.

- Non-structural elements: vulnerabilities


Strengthening methods

- Interventions on masonry: improving connections between structural elements and increasing strength

- Interventions on arches, vaults and domes: thrust reduction and reinforcement

- Interventions on slabs and roofs: improvement of connections and reduction of deformability

- Interventions on foundations

- Interventions on non-structural elements

- Relationship between safety and conservation: theoretical, aesthetic and functional aspects in the restoration of structures


Reference regulations:

  1. DPCM 09/02/2011 - Linee guida per la valutazione e la riduzione del rischio sismico del patrimonio culturale (scaricabile dal sito del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali: http://www.beniculturali.it/mibac/export/MiBAC/sito-MiBAC/Contenuti/Avvi...)
  2. D.M. 17/01/2018 - Aggiornamento delle "Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni" e capitolo 8 della relativa Circolare.

Suggested references:

  1. G. Cangi, Manuale del Recupero Strutturale e Antisismico. Edizioni DEI, Tipografia del Genio Civile di Roma, 2005. (II edizione 2012)
  2. E. Coïsson, Riduzione del rischio sismico negli edifici storici in muratura. Maggioli Editori, 2019.
  3. R. Antonucci, Restauro e recupero degli edifici a struttura in muratura. Analisi e interventi sul costruito storico. Maggioli Editore, 2012.

To deepen:

  1. M. Como, I. Iori, F. Ottoni, Scientia Abscondita. Arte e scienza del costruire nelle architetture del passato. Marsilio Editori, 2019.
  2. G. Cangi, M. Caraboni, A. De Maria, Analisi Strutturale per il Recupero Antisismico. Edizioni DEI, Tipografia del Genio Civile di Roma, 2010.
  3. S. Vallucci, E. Quagliarini, S. Lenci, Costruzioni storiche in muratura. Vulnerabilità sismica e progettazione deli interventi. Wolters Kluwer Italia, 2014.
  4. C. Donà e A. De Maria (a cura di), Manuale delle Murature Storiche. Edizioni DEI, Tipografia del Genio Civile di Roma, ­ 2011.
  5. Borri, L. Bussi (a cura di), Archi e volte in zona sismica. Editore Doppiavoce, 2011. (Cap. 3:“Geometrie, comportamento meccanico e tecniche costruttive”)
  6. G. Tampone, M. Mannucci, N. Macchioni, Strutture di legno: Cultura, conservazione, restauro. Edizioni De Lettera, Milano 2002.
  7. L. Jurina, Vivere il monumento. Conservazione e novità. Spirali Editore, 2006.

Teaching methods

The course includes lectures, supported by video projections designed to illustrate the construction characteristics of historic buildings and their structural behavior in response to static actions and seismic stresses.

Theoretical concepts will be supported by examples and case studies related to the critical survey and consolidation of monumental and non-monumental historic masonry buildings. Particular attention will be paid both to cracking and deformational patterns and their interpretation, to facilitate the reconstruction of collapse mechanisms, and to the identification of all the reading elements necessary for the construction of appropriate behavioral analysis models and for the definition of consolidation strategies compatible with the existing.

Finally, the laboratory activity will provide an opportunity for discussion and comparison with the students to analyze and deepen the various themes proposed, from the survey, to the analysis of construction and typological characteristics, to the type and quality of the masonry and connection systems so as to be able to derive useful elements for a correct path of knowledge of the building organism aimed at identifying the best intervention techniques, with reference to the technical standards in force.

Assessment methods

The Final Workshop: Design, History and Restoration (C.I.16 CFU, 192 hours) consists of the module/ teaching characteristic of Restoration (6 CFU, 72 hours) as well as a module/ teachings of:

- New technologies for the Survey of Architecture (2 CFU, 24 hours).

- Aesthetic and landscape (2 CFU, 24 hours);

- Rehabilitation of historic buildings (2 CFU, 24 hours);

- Design and active conservation of historic landscapes and open spaces (2 CFU, 24 hours);

- Architectural composition/museography (2 CFU, 24 hours).

The Final Workshop: Design, History and Restoration includes the verification of the learning of the contents of all the modules/teachings that make up the Integrated Course and takes place in a single examination test.

The evaluation will be effected on the basis of the laboratory work explained on the final report of the project. The assessment of suitability is based on the weighted application of the following three criteria: knowledge of the theoretical content and bibliography and acquisition of instrumental skills (30%), level of detail of the project hypothesis (30%), clarity and effectiveness of presentation (40%).

Teaching tools

Lectures will be supported by online video presentations, which will be made available for students.

Office hours

See the website of Lia Ferrari