30803 - Professional Skills Laboratory: Pedagogy II (G.B)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Marzia Saglietti
  • Credits: 3
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Pedagogy - Science of education (cod. 9206)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Pedagogy - Science of education (cod. 9206)

Course contents

The Lab aims at: a) Gaining an in-depht knowlege on the theorethical and methodological instruments that could be considered useful in order to observe and describe the micro-order of social life; b) Deepening the knowledge about primary and secundary socialization (family interaction, classroom interaction, etc.); c) Analysing some specific communicative events, using the tools of ethography, Discourse and Conversation Analysis; d) Giving the students the opportunity to do an ethnographic research, gathering and analysing social interaction (by individual and group work).

For these reasons, the Lab wil be organized as follows. First, starting from an analysis of the epistemological, theoretical and methodological premises of the interactional analysis of socialization processess, the Lab will define what is primary and secundary socialization (with particular reference to the linguistic socialization approach of Elinor Ochs). Secondly, some family interactions will be analyzed and discussed by analysing the participation framework, children and adults' discusive roles and agency.The same will be applied to classroom interactions and interactions in residential care for children. Students will experiment numerous activities (individual activities and group work), such as ethnographic observations, gathering and analysing interactions.


Compulsory reaginds:

  • Alessandra Fasulo, Laura Sterponi (a cura di) (2006). ELINOR OCHS. Linguaggio e cultura. Lo sviluppo delle competenze comunicative. Roma: Carocci. ((INTRODUZIONE + CAPP. 4 & 6))
  • Alessandra Fasulo, Clotilde Pontecorvo (2004), Come si dice? Linguaggio e apprendimento in famiglia e a scuola. Roma: Carocci. ((CAP. 1-2-5))

Readings depending on the group work:

  • Clotilde Pontecorvo, Francesco Arcidiacono (2007). Famiglie all’italiana. Parlare a tavola. Milano: Raffaello Cortina.
  • Marzia Saglietti (2012). Organizzare le case famiglia. Strumenti e pratiche nelle comunità per minori. Roma: Carocci.
  • Franca Orletti (2000). La conversazione diseguale. Potere e interazione. Roma: Carocci
  • Francesco Arcidiacono, Aleksandar Baucal (2019),Le interazioni sociali nell'apprendimento. Roma: Carocci.
  • Anna Maria Ajello, Clotilde Pontecorvo, Cristina Zucchermaglio(2004/2015), Discutendo si impara.Interazione sociale e conoscenza a scuola

Teaching methods

Lecture, classroom interaction, individual work, small group work, etc.

Assessment methods

Students will be assesed by: analyzing their individual frequency to the lectures; their partecipation to the lectures and their contributions to the group work.

Teaching tools

Power points, videos, lab approach

Office hours

See the website of Marzia Saglietti