86427 - Criminal Law 2 (Italian - Spanish Law Individual Study Plan)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9232)

    Also valid for Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9232)

Learning outcomes

The acquisition and the deepening of the problems in terms of constitutional guarantees in the penal system. The study of the general part of criminal law and especially of the general theory of crime and punishment, as well as of the main institutions of the general criminal law. The general characteristics of the special part of the penal system and the study of the most significant criminal offenses analyzed volumes Recommended.

Attention to the skills to be achieved in any professional path: proposition of concrete cases and possible solutions in the field of basic knowledge imparted.

Course contents

In the course of criminal law means, first of all, explain the nature and purpose of criminal law as well as the relations between the penal system and the Constitution. In particular they will address: the structure of the crime in its various elements, forms of manifestation, the justifications and the penalty system. Will be analyzed in class the relationships between the general and the special part, as well as the main cases belonging to the latter.
And 'it required to know the recent reforms of the penal code, introduced respectively by the. November 6, 2012, n. 190 (Provisions for the prevention and suppression of corruption and illegality in public administration), the termination of the offense following a stay of proceedings with probation (art. 168 bis of the Criminal Code, introduced by art. 3, c. 11, l. 28 April 2014, n. 67), and the regulations relating to the cause of non-punishment of a tenuous nature of the act, introduced by Legislative Decree no. 16 March 2015, n. 28, of the prescription, as operated by the cd. Riforma Orlando (Law 23 June 2017, No. 10), as well as the reform of the so-called. code reserve (Legislative Decree 1 March 2018, No. 21).


Testi consigliati per l'esame:


PULITANO', Diritto Penale, Giappichelli, Torino, VIII Ed., 2019.

o in alternativa:

FIANDACA-MUSCO, Diritto penale. Parte generale, Zanichelli, Bologna, VIII ed., 2018


CANESTRARI-CORNACCHIA-DE SIMONE, Manuale di diritto penale. Parte generale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2017.



AA.VV., Lineamenti di parte speciale - Ed. Monduzzi - Bologna - ult. ed., limitatamente ai seguenti capitoli:

- Capitolo II, Delitti contro la Pubblica Amministrazione;

- Capitolo III, Delitti contro l'amministrazione della giustizia;

- Capitolo IV, Delitti contro l'ordine pubblico;

- Capitolo XI, Delitti contro il patrimonio.

o in alternativa:

INSOLERA-GUERINI, Diritto penale e criminalità organizzata, II ed., Giappichelli, 2019

N.B. E' obbligatorio dotarsi di una copia cartacea del Codice Penale e di Procedura Penale aggiornato.


a) Per attività formative quantificate in 6 e 7 CFU:


AA.VV., Lineamenti di parte speciale - Ed. Monduzzi - Bologna - VI ed., limitatamente ai seguenti capitoli:

- Capitolo II, Delitti contro la Pubblica Amministrazione;

- Capitolo III, Delitti contro l'amministrazione della giustizia;

- Capitolo IV, Delitti contro l'ordine pubblico;

- Capitolo XI, Delitti contro il patrimonio.

b) Per attività formative quantificate in 9 e 10 CFU:


PULITANO', Diritto Penale, Giappichelli, VIII Ed., 2019, imitatamente agli istituti del tentativo e del concorso di persone nel reato;

o in alternativa:

G. FIANDACA, E. MUSCO, Diritto penale. Parte generale, Zanichelli, Bologna, VII ed., limitatamente agli istituti del tentativo e del concorso di persone nel reato;


S. CANESTRARI, L. CORNACCHIA, G. DE SIMONE, Manuale di diritto penale. Parte generale, Il Mulino, Bologna, ult. ed., limitatamente agli istituti del tentativo e del concorso di persone.



AA.VV., Lineamenti di parte speciale - Ed. Monduzzi - Bologna - VI ed., limitatamente ai seguenti capitoli:

- Capitolo II, Delitti contro la Pubblica Amministrazione;

- Capitolo III, Delitti contro l'amministrazione della giustizia;

- Capitolo IV, Delitti contro l'ordine pubblico;

- Capitolo XI, Delitti contro il patrimonio.

o in alternativa:

INSOLERA-GUERINI, Diritto penale e criminalità organizzata, II ed., Giappichelli, 2019.

Teaching methods

The teaching process takes place according to the traditional method.

During the lessons, some practical cases will be examined, with particular attention to the general institutes involved.

Assessment methods

The examination consists of an oral interview on the general part and the special part of the criminal law.

Class attendance is optional.

Teaching tools

Students can subscribe to the mailing list of the "Work in Progress" seminars, organized by the teacher on a monthly basis, concerning current criminal issues and presentation of books related to the subject.

Students who for reasons of disability or specific learning disabilities (DSA) need compensatory tools will be able to communicate to the teacher their needs so as to be directed to the contact persons and agree on the adoption of the most appropriate measures.

Office hours

See the website of Gaetano Insolera