85355 - Physical Activities, Recreation and Wellness

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Moduli: David Neil Manners (Modulo 1) Leydi Natalia Vittori (Modulo 2) Leydi Natalia Vittori (Modulo 3)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Wellness Culture: Sport, Health And Tourism (cod. 9227)

Learning outcomes

The student will acquire skills relating to: - exercise programs for fitness and well-being; - how to identify activities that improve the quality of life and how to organize and supervise such activities; - how to evaluate individuals’ fitness; - exercise equipment for fitness and wellness; - the meaning of wellness and wellness community.

Course contents

Module 1 - Active Recreation

Introduction to the course. Aim and outline of course. Introductory activities. Explanation of exam.

Health and fitness motivations. Problems related to lifestyle and time use.

Social motivations. Personal and social development.

Wellness motivations. Wellness movement. Salutogenesis.

Motivation towards activity. Theories of motivation. Applying theories to real-world situations.

Ethical considerations. Promoting safety in the recreational activity environment.

Preparation of an activity session. Leading an activity session. Working with others. Completing an activities session. Concluding activities. Review

Recreation programming. Preparation phase. Implementation phase. Working with other organisations. Evaluation phase.

Exercise-based activities. Light exercises. Pilates

Relaxation-based activities. Physiological and psychological bases of relaxation. Relaxation techniques. Movement as relaxation. Yoga

Outdoor activities in the natural environment. Adventurous activities. Exploration, understanding and respect of the natural environment. Equestrian activities

Indoor and pool-based activities. Dance-related activities. Dance as exercise. Dance as social activity. Water-based activities.

Conclusions. Review and discussion of course content. Preparation for exam

Module 2 - Systematics of Physical Activities for Health

The student will learn the current guidelines and recommendations for medical exam and exercise testing requirements before beginning exercise programs. Assessment and exercise prescription for exam of five physical fitness components:

  • Cardiorespiratory endurance: assessing cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2 max, VO2 peak), maximal and submaximal test in children, adults and older aerobic, elements aerobic exercise, prescription using VO2max or RPE, Heart rate method, monitoring exercise intensity, exercise frequency, duration, rate progression, aerobic training methods
  • Muscular fitness: functional muscle tissue, muscular strength and endurance, strength testing mode (static, dynamic, isokinetic and Omni kinetic) in children, adults and elders, isometric and dynamic training, intensity, sets, frequency, volume, dynamic resistance training methods (periodization, circuit resistance training, functional training), resistance training for children and elders
  • Flexibility: flexibility definition, ROM, factors affecting flexibility, principles of stretching, direct and indirect methods, flexibility testing for elders and children.
  • Balance: principles of balance, static, dynamic and functional balance, factor affecting balance, assessing static and dynamic balance: indirect and direct methods, designing balance training programs, balance training exercise prescription
  • Body composition: classifying %BF and disease risk (two and multicomponent models), reference method (hydrostatic weighting, DEXA, densitometry methods and air displacement plethysmography), field method (skinfold, BIA and arthrometry)

Module 3 - Strategies and technologies for Wellness

The student will learn to assess and improve a wellness action plan to increase the level of physical activity and physical exercise in the community, and to learn about exercise equipment for fitness and wellness.


  • Wellness concept
  • Wellness project
  • Health behaviour change theories and models
  • Model health program and physical exercise
  • Website: wellness communication
  • The dimensions of the Wellness market: trends and potential
  • The Wellness industry: structure and competitive forces
  • Exercise equipment for fitness and wellness


Module 1 - Active Recreation

Reading materials will be provided, in pdf format, before each class. These include an extensive bibliography.

Module 2 - Systematics of Physical Activities for Health

Physiological assessment of Human fitness, second Edition. Peter J. Maud, Carl Foster.

Module 3 - Strategies and technologies for Wellness

Introduction to health promotion. Anastasia M. Snelling. Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Teaching methods

Module 1 - Active Recreation

Students will learn by reading the preparatory materials provided and by attending classes. During each class, time will be divided between short introductory lectures with audio-visual support, and team-based exercises in which students in small groups will together tackle problems set during the class. Students will be encouraged to share their diversity of experience and knowledge to develop a team response to each problem.

Module 2 - Systematics of Physical Activities for Health

Lectures and practical group exercises.

Module 3 - Strategies and technologies for Wellness

Lectures, practical group exercise and seminar with external teachers.

Assessment methods

Module 1 - Active Recreation

The final exam will consist of two parts.

I. A written multiple choice test.

The first part of the exam aims to test the breadth of the student’s knowledge across all the topics covered during the lessons. There will be 16 questions, and for each question 5 possible answers will be provided. Students must answer at least half of the questions correctly, to be admitted to the second part of the exam.

II. An oral test consisting of (at least) two questions.

i. The student will be asked to talk on an topic related to the subjects covered during the course, to demonstrate the depth of their knowledge.

ii. The student will be asked to discuss a problem following on from one encountered during the lessons, to evaluate their critical thinking skills with regard to the course as a whole.

The oral test will be conducted in English.

Module 2 - Systematics of Physical Activities for Health

Oral examination to assess the comprehension of various aspects of the subjects covered and evaluate the critical capacity of student. Three questions related to the topic of program will be asked, while other specific question may be asked to evaluating student preparation.

Module 3 - Strategies and technologies for Wellness

Oral examination to assess the comprehension of various aspect of the subjects covered and evaluate the critical capacity of student. The exam is divide in two parts:

1. the student presents his/her wellness project;

2. two questions will be asked related to the topic of program.

The final vote will be divided: 50% individual project, 50% oral examination.

Teaching tools

Module 1 - Active Recreation

PC and video projector

Module 2 - Systematics of Physical Activities for Health

The lessons presented in the course are made available electronically on the internet. The material will be a guide for further study to be carried out in class.

Module 3 - Strategies and technologies for Wellness

The lesson will be accompanied by visual and audiovisual media. Materials related to the course are made available electronically on the internet, to serve as a guide for further study to be carried out in class.

Any students with specific learning difficulties are encouraged to contact the lecturer as early as possible, to discuss possible modifications to, or additions to, teaching materials, as well as assessment methods.

Office hours

See the website of David Neil Manners

See the website of Leydi Natalia Vittori

See the website of Leydi Natalia Vittori


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.