78444 - Marketing Of The Rural Territory

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and management of agro-territorial, forest and landscape (cod. 8532)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will acquire knowledge on the theoretical framework and operational tools useful to the design and implementation of a marketing plan, with specific reference to EU policies and strategies for rural development.

Course contents


The student who accesses this course should have an elementary knowledge of microeconomics and rural appraisal. The student should understand the logic underlying the behaviour of operators, both the demand and supply, and the functioning of markets, according to the most common modelling. The student should also have acquired a fair confidence in translating some economic concepts in operational tools. The student should also have good computer skills aimed at the use of software for the mapping of the territory (qgis).

Content of classroom activities

  • Introduction: overview of contents and materials
  • Marketing and territory: objectives and competition
    • The factors of territorial competition
    • The zoning of the territory: scopes
    • The zoning of the territory: international methodologies and implementation
  • The marketing plan
    • Overview
    • The outer plan
    • The internal plan
  • The policies of rural development
    • Overview of EU policies
    • The policy measures of rural development: priorities
    • The rural development policies: measures
    • Measure modulation for place marketing
    • The rural development policies: the integrated local development
    • Implementation and subjects of integrated local development
    • The Leader project
    • The Leader approach in the current EU regulatory framework
    • Local agencies for the rural development
    • The evaluation of rural development policies

Contents of laboratory activities

The laboratory activities are an integral part of the teaching and provide for the direct collection of the characteristics of a territory and the processing of the data collected and possibly secondary georeferenced data in the computer lab, to pursue an assessment of the territory considered. In relation to the overall number of students participating in the workshop activities, it is generally expected that three or four work groups will be set up. Detailed guidelines are or will be available on IOL platform (link in this page).


Caroli M.G. (2006). Il marketing territoriale. Strategie per la competitività sostenibile del territorio. FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Grey literature provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

The course consists of classroom activities and activities in the computer lab. The classroom activities are essentially theoretical (traditional lectures). The activities in the computer lab aim at increasing the technical knowledge of the student in order to make him/her able to translate it into operational tools

Assessment methods

The course is part of the Integrated Course "66126 – Place Marketing and Agricultural and Environmental Policies", together with the course "66126 – Agricultural and Environmental Policies" Therefore, the evaluation considers jointly the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student in relation to the contents of both courses.

The acquisition of knowledge and skills expected is certified through a final oral exam. Usually the examiner asks three general questions.

The exam deals with all the topics discussed in the theoretical part of the course and tests the knowledge of techniques developed during computer lab activities.

The evaluation of the final outcome will consider the knowledge, the skills achieved, the argumentative capacities and proper language. The duration of the oral examination is on average 30 minutes.

Teaching tools

Computer lab

Access to public databases

Office hours

See the website of Aldo Bertazzoli


Decent work and economic growth Sustainable cities Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.