42127 - Elements Of Sylviculture

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Enrico Muzzi
  • Credits: 3
  • SSD: AGR/05
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Ornamental plants and landscape protection (cod. 8523)

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the student has a basic knowledge of forest ecology, forest mensuration and silviculture. More specifically, the student is able to: - analyze a forest site and assess the characteristics of the forest stand; - highlight technical and ecological problems; - define management actions required for the sustainable management of the forest.

Course contents

Course contents

Background knowledge. The student must have an adequate background knowledge in plant science, biology and plant biodiversity (with reference to forest tree species) and ecology, as coming from other courses already taken in the Degree.

Unit 1. Forest ecology (7 hrs)

1.1 Population ecology:growth dynamics, effects of stand age

1.2 Population ecology: structure of even- and uneven-aged forests, competition and mortality

1.3 Community ecology: interactions between populations

1.4 Ecosystem ecology: water cycle, runoff and erosion in forest ecosystems, nutrient cycles in forest ecosystems

1.5 Landscape ecology: disturbances and ecological successions 

1.6 Reproductive biology in forest tree species

Unit 2. Silviculture (9 hrs)

2.1 Silviculture, definition and objectives; evolution of the concept of silviculture

2.2 Forest functions: production, protection, recreation, environmental

2.3 Coppice methods: simple, selection, with standards, composite

2.4 High forest methods: clearcutting, shelterwood, selection methods

2.5 Thinnings: objectives and methods

2.6 The “Prescrizioni di Massima e di Polizia Forestale” in Regione Emilia-Romagna

2.7 Fundamentals of forest mensuration; notes on field measurements

2.8 Forest management for landscape and recreational purposes

Field practicals (14 hrs)

(i) 2- 1/2 day visits at the beginning of the course: introduction to forest ecosystems (Unit 1 – Forest ecology)

(ii) 2-day visit at the end of the course: introduction to key forest types in Northern Appennines and their management (Unit 2 – Silviculture).


Considering the wide range of topics addressed, the course can be studied on slides and material provided by the lecturer on IOL Campus. For further reading :

Piussi P., Alberti G. 2015. Selvicoltura generale. Boschi, società e tecniche colturali. Ed. Compagnia delle Foreste, Arezzo

Bernetti G., Del Favero R. e Pividori M. 2012. Selvicoltura produttiva. Manuale pratico. Edagricole, Bologna

Teaching methods

The course is largely based on lectures, but is integrated by two field practicals:

(i) 1/2 day visit at the beginning of the course: introduction to forest ecosystems

(ii) 1-2-day visit at the end of the course: introduction to key forest types in Northern Appennines and their management

Assessment methods

The course is part of Corso Integrato 65946 – “Arboricoltura ornamentale con elementi di selvicoltura” together with 65947 – “Arboricoltura ornamentale”.
The joint exams for the entire Corso integrato take into account the knowledge and proficiency of the student in both courses. The knowledge and proficiency in the current course are assessed as follows.

The test is based on a final oral exam. The assessment is based on the understanding demonstrated by the individual student, on the discussion of field practicals and on the quality of his presentation. Each student will answer two questions, related to the two units making up the course. The exam lasts approximatively 30 minutes.

Teaching tools

Slides of all lectures are made available beforehand to the students through the IOL Campus portal.

Office hours

See the website of Enrico Muzzi


Clean water and sanitation Climate Action Life on land

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