34431 - Advanced Production Systems M

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Cristina Mora
  • Credits: 9
  • SSD: ING-IND/17
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Cristina Mora (Modulo 1) Cristina Mora (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Engineering Management (cod. 0936)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Mechanical Engineering (cod. 0938)

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to provide innovative and advanced topics for the planning and the management of a production system, with particular emphasis on the stock management and distribution. The complete development of a case industry and the introduction of specific software for the analysis and the planning allow to evaluate the application of the above mentioned topics to a real context.

Course contents

The aim of the course is to give innovative and advanced elements for the production system design and management such as Lean Manufacturing System, Lean Supply Chain, Industry 4.0. 


Requirements/Prior Knowledge:

A prior knowledge and understanding of industrial plants and logistics is required to attend with profit this course. in addition, students shoud master the mean terminology of production systems and supply chain management.

Fluent spoken and written Italian is a necessary pre-requisite: all lectures and tutorials, and all study material will be in Italian.

Course Contents:



Lean Manufacturing Systems and Cell Design. The Toyota Production System (TPS). The instruments of lean production; The ten steps of lean production: 1. re-engineer the manufacturing system; 2. setup reduction; 3. integrate the quality control into the system; 4. integrate preventive maintenance; 5. level, balance, sequence, synchronize; 6. production control; 7. reduce WIP; 8. integrated suppliers; 9. autonomation; 10. CIM. World Class Manufacturing: principles and ten pillars. Introduction to Industry 4.0.

Advanced production systems project (45 hours)

The full development of  a production system project: from the feasibility study to the executive project. Analysis of a case industry:

  • Advanced instrument for the group technology. Cellular manufacturing (CM). Clustering for the group technology and the CM. Incidence matrix. Similarity indexes: Jaccard, Simple Matching, etc. Gupta–Seiffodini similarity index. Hierarchic Algorithm for CM: Clink, Slink, UPGMA. The dendogram. Performance indexes for cell formation problem: problem density, inside cells density, etc. numerical examples and applications. Software for cellulare manufacturing (18 hours)
  • Cell reconfiguration in Industry 4.0: principles; Galan's model: modularity, commonality, reusability, product demand (4 hours)
  • Leveling production (3 hours)
  • Resources' project (4 hours)
  • Layout project: the software LRP. Example and Application (3 hours)
  • Flow material analysis and design of internal transportation system planning. Example and Application (8 hours).
  • Technological plants planning. Example and Application (3 hours)
  • Economical evaluation of production system (2 hour)

Advanced Logistics Systems: lean supply chain (10 hours)

Strategy for the integrated stock management in the supply chain. The model of joint economic lot model: cost definition. The case of expeditions with constant quantity. The case of the expeditions with variable quantity. Examples. Other forms of collaboration between buyer and vendor (collaborative planning, Supplier Managed Inventory - SMI). The consignment stock model. Examples.


The evolution from PUSH to PULL (18 hours)

The five principles of lean manufacturing; implementation of continuos flow line . The VALUE STREAM MAPPING: the guidelines; AS IS state and TO BE state; the takt time, the flow production, the pacemaker, the FIFO lane, the load leveling box: mix and volume leveling, the pitch. Exemple and applications.

Advanced planning of distribution networks (8 hours)

definition and classification of distribution networks. Long period, middle period and short period decisions. Location Allocation Problem (LAP): definition of the objective and constraints. The model of direct distribution mono product-mono period with fractionated demand or no fractionated demand. The model mono product- mono period, multilevel.

Project (4h)

Logistic Game in teams



Readings and Bibliography for the exam:

- Issues written by the teacher and published on AMS Campus and on "Insegnamenti Online" platform

- Exercises published on AMS Campus and on "Insegnamenti Online" platform

- Book chapters and papers:

J.T. BLACK, S.L. HUNTER, “Lean Manufacturing Systems and Cell Design”, SME-Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2003 - capitoli 1 e 2

M.ROTHER, J. SHOOK, “Learning to See-value stream mapping to add value and eliminate muda”, The lean enterprise institute, Massachusetts (USA), 1999

M.BORTOLINI, R.MANZINI, R.ACCORSI, C.MORA, “An Hybrid procedure for machine duplication in cellular manufacturing system” (2011) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.

R. GALAN, J. RACERO, I. EGUIA and J.M. GARCIA, A sistematic approach for product families formation in reconfigurable manufacturing systems" (2007), Robotics and Computer-Integrated manufacturing, vol. 23 (5), pp. 489-502.

Books and Papers recommended for in-depht study on some parts of the program:

- propedeutic:

A.PARESCHI, E.FERRARI, A.PERSONA, A.REGATTIERI, “Logistica Integrata e Flessibile”, Ed.Esculapio, 2002;

PARESCHI A., “Impianti industriali”, Progetto Leonardo, Soc. Editrice Esculapio, Bologna, 1994.

GRANDO A., “Logistica e produzione”, UTET, Milano, 1996.

DEL MAR D., “Operations and industrial management”, McGraw-Hill, 1985.

TERSINE R.J., “Production/operations management”, North Holland, New York, 1985.

MORTIMER J., “Logistics in manufacturing”, Ed. IFS Ltd, UK/Springer Verlag, 1988.

LAMBERT D., STOCK J., “Strategic Logistics Management”, McGraw-Hill, 2001

BOARIO M., DE MARTINI M., DI MEO E., GROS-PIETRO G.M., “Manuale di Logistica”, UTET, Torino, 1992, Voll. 1-2-3.

FERROZZI C., SHAPIRO R.D., HESKETT J.L., “Logistica e strategia”, 1-2, ISEDI, 1993, Torino.

BOWERSOX D.J., “Logistica, strategia e integrazione in azienda”, Tecniche Nuove,1989, Milano.

TOMPKINS J.A., WHITE J.A., BOZER Y.A., TANCHOCO J.M.A., “Facilities Planning”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.

HARTLEY J., “FMS at work”, IFS (Publications) Ltd., Bedford (UK), 1984.

WARNECKE H.J., STEINHILPER R., “Sistemi flessibili di produzione”, Edizioni Tecniche Nuove, Milano, 1987.

- for deepining:

J.T. BLACK, S.L. HUNTER, “Lean Manufacturing Systems and Cell Design”, SME-Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2003.

J.P.WOMACK, D.T.JONES, “Lean Thinking. Come creare valore e bandire gli sprechi”, Edizione Guerini e Associati spa, 1997.

J.P.WOMACK, D.T.JONES, D. Roos, “La macchina che ha cambiato il mondo”, Macmillan Publishing Company (USA), 1990.

M.ROTHER, J. SHOOK, “Learning to See-value stream mapping to add value and eliminate muda”, The lean enterprise institute, Massachusetts (USA), 1999

R.HARRIS, C.HARRIS, E.WILSON, “Making Materials Flow”, The lean enterprise institute, Massachusetts (USA), 1999

M.ROTHER,, R.HARRIS, “Creating Continuous Flow”, The lean enterprise institute, Massachusetts (USA), 1999

A.SMALLEY, “Creating Level Pull”, The lean enterprise institute, Massachusetts (USA), 1999

J.BICHENO, A. PORTIOLI STAUDACHER, “Metodologie e tecniche per la lean”, Pitagora editrice, Bologna, 2009.

R.MANZINI, A. PERSONA, A. REGATTIERI, “Framework for designing and controlling a multi-cellular flexible manufacturing system” (2006) International Journal of Services and Operations Management (ISSN: 1744-2370), vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-21.

R.MANZINI, M.GAMBERI, A.PERSONA, A. REGATTIERI, “Framework for designing a flexible cellular assembly system” (2004) - International Journal of Production Research (ISSN: 0020-7543), vol. 42, No.17, pp. 3505-3528.

T. GUPTA and H.I. SEIFFODINI "Production data based similarity coefficient for machine-component grouping decisions in the design of a cellular manufacturing system" (1990) International Journal of Production Research, vol 28, Issue 7, pp. 1247-1269.

M.BORTOLINI, R.MANZINI, R.ACCORSI, C.MORA, “An Hybrid procedure for machine duplication in cellular manufacturing system” (2011) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.

Z.M.BI, S.Y.LANG, W. SHEN and L. WANG, " Reconfigurable manufacturing systems: the state of the art" (2008), International Jourmal of Production Research, vol. 46 (4), pp.967-992.

R. GALAN, J. RACERO, I. EGUIA and J.M. GARCIA, A sistematic approach for product families formation in reconfigurable manufacturing systems" (2007), Robotics and Computer-Integrated manufacturing, vol. 23 (5), pp. 489-502.

HILL R.M., “The single-vendor single-buyer integrated production-inventory model with a generalised policy”, European Journal of Operational Research (1997) vol. 97, pp. 493-499.

BRAGLIA M., ZAVANELLA L., “Modelling an industrial strategy for inventory management in supply chains: the ‘Consignment Stock’ case”, International Journal of Production Research, 2003, vol. 41, no. 16, 3793–3808.

R.MANZINI, A. CASSARINI, A. PARESCHI, A. REGATTIERI “Progettazione e gestione di un network distributivo multilivello”, XXXI Convegno Nazionale ANIMP/OICE/UAMI. 2004, Monastier di Treviso (ISBN: 88-88198-05-9).

MANZINI R., BINDI F., PINI S., “Distribuzione. La rete della ceramica”, Logistica, Settembre 2008.

Others consultation texts:

CHASE R.B., JACOBS F.R., AQUILANO N.J., GRANDO A., SIANESI A., “Operations Management nella Produzione e nei Servizi”, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2004.

GARETTI M., TAISCH M., “Sistemi di produzione automatizzati”, Ed. C.U.S.L., Milano, 1997.

HURRION R.D., “Simulation: applications in manufacturing”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1986.

CAVALIERI S., PINTO R., “Orientare al successo la supply chain. Strategie, processi e tecniche per gestire la complessità della rete logistica”, ISEDI, 2007.

Teaching methods

Theoretical lessons and exercises. Industrial case studies. Logistics Game in team.

The frequency of the course is not compulsory, but it is particularly important for a better understanding of the topics and performing the exercises.

Assessment methods

Achievements will be assessed by the means of a final exam. This is based on an analytical assessment of the "expected learning outcomes" described above.

in order to properly assess such achievement tha examination is composed of a written session, duration 2,5 hours, composed of four questions: two concern a numerical project, with an optional part, the other two concern theoretical themes.

The final vote is defined by the average of the votes of each question. To this you can add a score of 2 points for the group ranked first at the Logistic Game and 1 point for the second and third classified.

The praise is awarded in case of total correctness and excellence in the performance of all the questions (including the optional part of the exercises).

Higher grades will be awarded to students who demonstrate an organic understanding of the subject, a high abilty for resolution of numerical complex problems and applications, and a clear and concise presentation of the contents.

To obtain a passing grade, students are required to at least demonstrate a knoledge of the key concepts of the subject, some ability for numerical applications and a comprehensible use of technical language.

A failing grade will be awarded if the student shows knoledge gaps in key-concepts of the subject, inappropriate use of language, and logic failures in the analysis of the subject. Finally a failing grade will be due to at least one insufficient question.

Students must enroll in the examination list by AlmaEsami.

Teaching tools

In the context of the lessons will be incorporated specific seminars on the topics covered, including the presentation of software of support to theoretical lessons. There will also be proposals and insert one or two corporate testimonials about course topics, as well as a visit from a manufacturing plant (not required).

Other teaching tools:

- Issues written by the teacher and published on "Insegnamenti Online" platform

- Exercises published on "Insegnamenti Online" platform


Office hours

See the website of Cristina Mora


Industry, innovation and infrastructure Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.