32111 - Evaluation and Intervention Methods in Developmental Psychopathology

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in School and community psychology (cod. 0993)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the teaching, the student: - will know the psychodynamic models of development; - will be able to detect risk and protective factors and signs of discomfort in educational context; - will know the main psychodynamic assessment methods; - will know the techniques of psychodynamic counselling.

Course contents

The course will take place during the first semester at the Cesena Campus of the School of Psychology and Education (address: piazza A. Moro, 90). The course is for students attending the 2nd year of Laurea Magistrale in Educational and Community Psychology.

Main topics of the course are:

  • Models and definitions of Developmental psychopathology
  • Methods of observation in Developmental psychopathology
  • Clinical assessment in Developmental psychopathology
  • Transition to parenthood and parental functioning: risk and protective factors
  • Parental psychopathology and influence on child development
  • Diagnostic classification for mental disorders during childhood
  • Psychosomatic disorders
  • Feeding disorders
  • Affective dysregulation and attachment disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Mood disorders
  • Behavioral disorders
  • Stressful and traumatic events: impact on the child development
  • Outdoor Education and implications for mental health.


The student has to study the 3 following books:

Tambelli R. (2017). Manuale di psicopatologia dell'infanzia. Bologna: Il Mulino. To study all the chapters, except for Chapter 5.

Lingiardi V., McWilliams N. (2017). PDM-2 Manuale Diagnostico Psicodinamico. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore. To study: Sezione IV-Prima infanzia, pp.665-779.

Farné R., Bortolotti A., Terrusi M. (2018). Outdoor Education: prospettive teoriche e buone pratiche. Roma: Carocci Editore. Studiare solamente: Cap. 4. Nature-Based Therapy: quando l'outdoor promuove la salute e il benessere individuale, pp. 81-100.

Teaching methods

  • Frontal lessons
  • Training on instruments for assessment and diagnostic evaluation during childhood
  • Discussion in group on clinical cases
  • Invited experts on topics regarding assessment and intervention on developmental psychopatholgy

Assessment methods

Final oral exam on the 3 books.

Specific relevance is given to the achivement of an organic vision of all topics, together with acquisition of a specific language and a deep knowledge of instruments for the assessment of child psychopathology.

Some possible questions on:

  • Theoretical models in Developmental Psychopathology
  • Main concepts in Developmental Psychopathology
  • Protective and risk factors for parenthood
  • Observation instruments and developmental scales
  • Diagnostic Classifications in infancy and childhood
  • Specific disorders(e.g. feeding disorders, anxiety disorders)
  • Implications of Outdoor Education on mental health

In agreement with the Professor, it is possible to choose to participate to a group work, characterised by the choice of a specific subject to deepen and a preparation of a ppt file to present during the course.

More details will be given at the beginning of the lessons.


The student has to subscribe for the exam to the internet website respecting the deadline. Studentes having problems in the subscription, nedd to get in contact with the Didactic Office.

The Professor will then decide if admitting the student or not.

Teaching tools

Projector, dvd, pc, supplementary books.

Office hours

See the website of Francesca Agostini


Good health and well-being Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.