39366 - Medical Statistics for Health Care

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Maria Letizia Bacchi Reggiani
  • Credits: 2
  • SSD: MED/01
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences (cod. 8488)

Course contents

Descriptive statistics: numerical and graphical methods for organizing and summarizing data .Frequency distribution. Inferential Statistics: problems of estimation, testing of hypothesis. Confidence intervals. Linear regression and correlation. Randomized clinical trial and observational studies.Critical reading of scientific articles. Exercises and examples


M.M.Triola, M.F. Triola Fondamenti di Statistica per le discipline biomediche, Editore Pearson
M.Bland Statistica Medica, Editrice Apogeo
S.Glantz Statistica per Discipline Biomediche, Editrice McGrawHill

Teaching methods

Computer session

Assessment methods

Spreadsheet based exercises

Teaching tools

The teaching material will be available electronically on : https://iol.unibo.it/

Office hours

See the website of Maria Letizia Bacchi Reggiani