28625 - Basics of Chemistry T-A L

Academic Year 2019/2020

Learning outcomes

The purpose of the course is to provide the basic knowledge on the atomic and molecular structure of the matter as well as the thermodynamic and kinetic principles that govern its transformation.

Course contents

1. Atomic theory and atomic structure. Atomic. number, atomic mass units, isotopes. The nuclear structure and the radioactivity. Energy of nuclear reactions. Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

2 . The electronic structure of atoms and the periodical table. Brief description of the quantum theory: Photoelectric effect., Bohr teory of the Hydrogen atom and the atomic line stectra. Quantum numbers and atomic orbitals. Electron configurations and periodicity of the elements.

3 . The Ionic bond. Energy and the soid structures involved in ionic bonding. The covalent bond. Single, coordinate and multiple bonds. Polar covalent bonds. Hybrid orbitals, resonance and molecular geometry. Molecular Orbital theory. Bonding in metals. The Band theory of solids. Conductors, semiconductors and insulators. Hydrogen and Van der Waals bond.

4. Chemical formulas, naming simple compounds. Chemical reactions and balancing of oxidation-reduction equations. Stoichiometry.

5. States of Matter: The gaseous state, the ideal gas law, gas mixtures and the law of partial pressures, real gases. Liquid state, properties an surface tension. Solid state: crystalline and amorphous solids, structures of some crystalline solids.

6. Thermodynamics and equilibrium. First law of thermodynamics, enthalphy, Hess' law and. formation and combustion standard enthalpies. Spontaneous processes and entropy, second law of thermodynamics. Standard entropies and third law of thermodynamics. Free energy and equilibrium constants. Calculating equilibrium concentrations. Changing the reaction conditions.

7. Acid-base equilibria. Self-ionization of water and pH. Arrhenius and Bronsted concepts of acids and bases. The pH of strong acid or base solutions.

8. Rate of reaction. Definition, dependence on concentration. kinetic equations., reaction order, experimental determination. Temperature and rate, collision and transition-state theories. Arrhenius equation and reaction mechanisms. Catalysis, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.

9. Elettrochemistry. Voltaic cells and electromotive force. Nerst Equation. Tabulating standard electrode potentials. Electrolytic cells, stoichiometry of process (Faraday's laws).


R. Michelin, A. Munari, Fondamenti di Chimica, II or III Ed., CEDAM.

Teaching methods

The course is based on class lectures through slides, exercises and problems sessions. Tutorial activities are also provided mainly to help students in problem solving. Course's slides will be available to students.

Assessment methods

Upon successful completion of the course, students should: know and correctly use the language of chemistry, to understand the atomic and molecular nature of matter, to develop an ability to solve basic quantitative problems regarding chemical reactions, chemical equilibria, and chemical kinetics, understand and be able to apply chemical facts, concepts, and models, and be able to use them as a foundation to organize further chemical knowledge and to understand the physical world. Assessment method: written test and oral interview.

Teaching tools

All slides and other educational materials will be distributed in electronic format (Insegnamenti OnLine, https://iol.unibo.it) and will be also available as hardcopies at the Copy Center near to library.

Moreover, a website to support student's activity will be regularly updated with the lecture schedule along with all the information concerning the course and the examinations. http://www.unibo.it/docenti/maurizio.toselli

Office hours

See the website of Maurizio Toselli