72171 - History and Criticism of Medieval Art

Academic Year 2019/2020

Learning outcomes

At the end of this course students should be able to deal with a medieval work of art from an esthetic, stylistic and iconographic point of view. They should be aware of both the historical discourse, which is essential to an understanding of the work of art, and their own critical and historiographical opinion on the subject.

Course contents

The course provides information about the fundamental features of art history in Europe from the seventh century to 1492.

Classes will focus especially on the theme of pictorial wall decoration, trying to summarize the aesthetical and cultural reasons for the changes that manifested themselves in this area during the long span of the Middle Ages.

In particular, we will observe Giotto's  patterns and inventions  in the architectural and sculptural frames painted around the sacred images, with reference to the recognition of ancient objects and the reuse of elements that the painter pretends to graft in the wall as if they were sculpted blocks.


Students attending the lectures should study a reference book of History of Medieval Art (recommended reading: - P.L. De Vecchi – E. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, edito da Bompiani)

and ALL the following:

A. Volpe, "... quello credendo esser vero che era dipinto". Umanesimo e illusione: il reimpiego simulato nella pittura trecentesca, in Boccace entre Liber et libri: les tensions d’un écrivain entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance, atti del colloquio internazionale, CESR, Tours-Chinon 5-6-7 juin 2013, Etudes réunies par Elise Boillet, Sabrina Ferrara et Maria Teresa Ricci, Introduction de Sabrina Ferrara, Paris, Champions, 2015, pp. 107-134.

A. Volpe, La condizione estetica e storiografica delle cornici architettoniche giottesche, in "INTRECCI d’arte", n.1/2016, pp. 121-133.

Others texts will be added during the lectures.

Students who do not attend the lectures should contact the lecturer to discuss the program.

Teaching methods

Generally, lectures will take place in class with the aid of visual materials. Occasionally lectures may take place before the original works of art.

Assessment methods

The final examination will verify the fulfillment of the following learning objectives:

  • knowledge of the topics and of the critical methodology discussed in class or studied in the literature;
  • ability to use critical tools when examining a given image;
  • ability to understand one's own critical opinion in relation to the historiographical debate. This ability is based on the assumption that our critical opinion is inevitably conditioned by our cultural views.

The exam will be exclusively in the form of an oral examination, which is evaluated in %30. It will be based on the images discussed in the books provided in the reading list or in class. Students should identify the works of art, demonstrate an understanding of their chronological, geographical and historical context, discuss their relationship with other works of art. For this reason, students are expected to bring their own books on the day of the exam.

Following the Alma Mater's guidelines, notably:

  • the demonstration of an organic vision of the themes addressed in class or in books indicated in the reading list as well as of the critical use, command of oral expression and specific vocabulary, will be assessed with marks of excellence (28-30).
  • mechanical and/or mnemonic knowledge of the subject, scarce ability of synthesis and analysis and/or the use of a correct but not always appropriate vocabulary will lead to discrete assessments (23-27).
  • training gaps and/or inappropriate vocabulary - even in conjunction with a minimal knowledge of the subject - will lead to marks that will not exceed the minimum grade (18-22).
  • training gaps, inappropriate vocabulary, lack of command of the bibliography discussed within the course will lead to negative evaluations.

Teaching tools

Exam materials and further readings can be found on AMS Campus - Materiali Didattici.

Office hours

See the website of Alessandro Volpe