85131 - Communication of Cultural Heritage

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Tiziana Maffei
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-ART/04
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History, preservation and enhancement of artistic and archaeological heritage and landscape (cod. 9218)

Learning outcomes

he course aims to convey the notion of cultural heritage in relation to its evolution and the contemporary problems of globalization and valorisation. At the end of the course, the student is able to develop cultural contents in relation to the various communication tools, to organize and to realize cultural projects.

Course contents

Presentation of the course - workshop - frontal activity and exercise - use of the elearning platform - conducting the exam.

Cultural heritage
Cultural heritage: a resource for society. Material and immaterial assets, museum collections and widespread goods, system of productive, economic, social relations. Safeguard: an individual duty. Accessibility: a collective right. Active protection and the possible path of valorisation of cultural heritage. UNESCO Conventions. The Faro Convention

The comunication
The communication process: components, shapes and functions. Public communication. Textual, oral, nonverbal, digital, empathic communication. Communicating cultural assets: giving voice to the material and immaterial testimonies of civilization. Educational services. Storytelling: Learning Tool. The languages of cultural communication: theater, cinema, art, music. Technologies for fruition

About Cultural Marketing
The multidimensionality of cultural value. Marketing and value creation of cultural goods. The demand for culture. Valorization and capitalization. Cultural heritage and made in Italy

The museum
The institute museum permanent institutionnin the service of the society and its development. The mission of the museum. The cultural experience of knowledge and emotion. The Medium Museum. Communication to the mission service. The UNESCO Recommendation on Museums. Public and new publics.

From off-line communication to online
Elements of graphic and visual design for cultural goods. The name and visual identity: from the basic elements to its applications. Contents, Language, Form. Sustainable communication. The museum merchandising.
Web strategy in cultural institutes. The web 2.0. Web sites for cultural heritage: design (usability and aesthetics), management (sharing and participation), analysis and evaluation (quantity and quality) Web 3.0 for cultural institutions. Social network for culture. The Digital Ecosystem and the Digital Team. The Digital Storytelling
Workshop: communication in the digital environment

The project tool
Set up a communication project.


Required Bibliography

L. Casini, Ereditare il futuro. Dilemmi sul patrimonio culturale, Il Mulino 2016

N. Mandarano, Musei e media digitali, Carrocci editore 2019

C. Da Milano- E Sciacchitano, Linee Guida per la comunicazione nei musei: segnaletica interna, didascalie e pannelli, Roma 2015 pdf Linee Guida [http://http//musei.beniculturali.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Linee-guida-comunicazione.PDF.pdf]


The texts below and the material uploaded on the eLearning Platform are provided only for any individual inquiries.

(A) V.Faletti - M.Maggi, I musei, Il Mulino 2012

(a cura di) Luisella Carnelli Il Museo e la Rete: nuovi modi di comunicare. Linee guida per una comunicazione innovativa per i musei . Ricerca Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, Regione del Veneto Dipartimento Cultura Settore progetti strategici e politiche comunitarie , 2014

C. Ferrari , La comunicazione dei beni culturali. Il progetto dell'identità visiva di musei, siti archeologici, luoghi della cultura, Milano 2007

The bibliography in (A) is for those who do not attend

Teaching methods

Frontal lesson - workshops

Assessment methods

Oral examination

Teaching tools

Elearning platform

Office hours

See the website of Tiziana Maffei


Quality education Decent work and economic growth Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.