39546 - Travel Literature (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2019/2020

Course contents

The course (first semester, second period; beginning: 11 november 2019) is divided into two sections:

A.  For the fifth Centennial of Magellano's voyage
Lecture and commentary of the most significant episodes of Magellano's voyage according to Antonio Pigafetta's Relazione del primo viaggio attorno al mondo and correlated narratives.

B. Th Italians and the New World

Lecture and commentary of some passages from the accounts of Michele de Cuneo, Amerigo Vespucci, Alessandro Giraldini, Giovanni da Verrazzano, Girolamo Benzoni.



According to the two parts of the course, students will read:

Part A:

1. The anthology of texts available at the beginning of the course both in pdf format (platform iol.unibo.it) and in xerocopy (at Master Copy's, via Cartoleria 4, Bologna).

2. One of the following books: M. Pregliasco, Antilia. Il viaggio e il Mondo Nuovo (XV-XVII secolo), Torino, Einaudi, 1992; M. Donattini, Dal Nuovo Mondo all'America. Scoperte geografiche e colonialismo (secoli XV-XVI), Roma, Carocci, 2004.

Part B:

1. The anthology of texts available at the beginning of the course both in pdf format (platform iol.unibo.it) and in xerocopy (at Master Copy's, via Cartoleria 4, Bologna).

Supplementary bibliography for students who will not attend to the course:

The study of one of the following books is required: G. Airaldi, Dall'Eurasia al Nuovo Mondo. Una storia italiana (secc. XI-XVI), Genova, Fratelli Frilli Editori, 2007; G.J. Ames, L'età delle scoperte geografiche. 1500-1700, Bologna, il Mulino, 2011; I. Luzzana Caraci, Al di là di altrove. Storia della geografia e delle esplorazioni, Milano, Mursia, 2009, capp. I-XX; M. Donattini, Dal Nuovo Mondo all'America. Scoperte geografiche e colonialismo (secoli XV-XVII), Roma, Carocci, 2004 (if not chosen for the Part A).

Teaching methods

Readings and commentaries in class, introduced with a historical and literary outline.

Assessment methods

Final oral examination concerning the whole course contents, according to the above-given indications. In particular, students are required to show a good ability of independent and critical study, establishing parallels and differences between the texts and illustrating their historical and literary context. Good language skills and knowledge of technical terminonolgy are also required.

Teaching tools

Traditional tools: books, xerocopies, pdf.

Office hours

See the website of Luciano Formisano