36619 - Toxicology of Residues in Food-Producing Animals and their Products

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Paola Roncada
  • Credits: 4
  • SSD: VET/07
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Safety and Quality in Animal Production (cod. 8521)

Learning outcomes

Provide the knowledge about the different aspects of contaminants in food and risk assessment in relation to the consumer.

Course contents

Principles of pharmacology and toxicology governing entry andfate of drugs and toxicants in living systems. Includes toxicokinetics and foreign compound metabolism relative to toxification or detoxification. Introduction about toxicology in general Veterinary drug residues and environmental contaminants. Risk assessment and MRL evaluation. Common contaminants of the food chain. Non-intentional and intentional contamination. Contamination by pesticides. Mycotoxins. Possible interactions on cellular and physiological structures. Short- and long-term effects on environment and consumer. Laws and regulation of safety assessment of foods including food additives, environmental contaminants, pesticides and antibiotic residues.

Teaching methods

Lectures and interactive discussion.

Assessment methods

The examination consists of an oral test aimed at verifying the acquisition of the knowledge foreseen by the program of the course. The exam consists of at least three questions: one related to the general part, one related to the "residuals" problem and one about drugs or toxic substances treated during the course. The goal will be both to evaluate the specific knowledge and the reasoning ability of the student.
The teaching "Toxicology of residues in food of animal origin" is part of the integrated course "Safety of food of animal origin" together with the course "Certification and traceability of food of animal origin". Therefore the final grade will be calculated as a weighted average of the grades of the individual courses. 

Teaching tools

Laboratory tests and practical experience for analysis of drug residues in tissues of animal origin.

Office hours

See the website of Paola Roncada