50232 - Archaeology of Roman Provinces

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History, preservation and enhancement of artistic and archaeological heritage and landscape (cod. 9218)

Learning outcomes

The aim of the Course is to transmit to the student a clear concept of Archeology in the Roman provincial world, analyzing the historical and cultural processes that lay at its roots, deepening the fundamental themes like Urbanistics, Architecture and  Economics. At the end of the Course, the student will be capable of knowing the peculiarities, greatness and limits of Roman Culture outside Rome, objectively evaluating its aspects and problematics.

Course contents

The course will be divided into two parts devoted respectively to the general themes that characterize the discipline (analyzing in particular Urbanistic and Economic aspects), and to the Epyrus as a case study.

The first part will be devoted to the concepts of "Romanisation" and "colonisation" and to a general framework (chronological, geographical and administrative) of the Provinces. Particular emphasis will be given to the urbanistic aspects in the western and eastern provinces and to the economic ones, appreciable through the study of the material culture attested in the Empire, mirror of the interaction dynamics between the Roman and provincial cultures, but also of the influence of the latter on the economy of the capital.

The second part will be dedicated to the provinces of the Balkan and Greek area, with particular attention to the Epirus area: the investigations of the University of Bologna underway at Phoinike, the ancient capital of Epirus, and at Butrint, a Greek emporium and commercial port which had an enormous urban and territorial development after the establishment of the Roman province, allow to present these cities and their territories as case studies. The presentation of the material culture attested in these sites, will show their degree of homologation and autonomy with respect to Rome.


ATTENDING STUDENTS: In addition to the personal notes taken during the classes, students will have to study one of the following handbooks, limited to the parts indicated:

A) P. Gros, M. Torelli, Storia dell'urbanistica. Il mondo romano, Bari 2007, just pp. 271-469 (chapters 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th).

B) G. Bejor, M.T. Grassi, S. Maggi, F. Slavazzi, Arte e archeologia delle Province romane, Milano 2011, just chapters 1-2 (pp. 1-159).

They also are expected to choose two of the following articles:

C) S. De Maria, Butrinto e Fenice a confronto, in I.L. Hansen, R. Hodges (eds.), Roman Butrint. An Assessment, Oxford 2007, pp. 175-188.


A. Gamberini, Hellenistic wares found in Phoinike: trades and cultural influences. 3° Conference IARPotHP, in corso di stampa (copy available at the concierge of Casa Traversari)


A. Gamberini, E. Vecchietti, Aspetti economico-produttivi di Phoinike e del suo territorio in età ellenistica attraverso lo studio dei reperti ceramici, in J. L. Lamboley (ed.), L'Illyire méridionale et l'Épire dans l'antiquitè. Actes du colloque internationale (Grenoble, Octobre 2008), Paris 2010, pp. 513-530.  On the web: https://unibo.academia.edu/AnnaGamberini


E. Giorgi, Il territorio di Phoinike. I.A: Il contesto geografico e storico; in E. Giorgi, J. Bogdani, Il territorio di Phoinike in Caonia. Archeologia del Paesaggio in Albania Meridionale, Bologna 2012, pp. 31-65


I.D: L'organizzazione del territorio in epoca romana, n E. Giorgi, J. Bogdani, Il territorio di Phoinike in Caonia. Archeologia del Paesaggio in Albania Meridionale, Bologna 2012, pp. 115-136.

F) I.L. Hansen, Hellenistic and Roman Butrint - Butrinti Helenistik dhe Romak, London 2009.

G) D.R. Hernandez, Bouthrotos (Butrint) in the archaic and classical periods. The Acropolis and Temple of Athena Polias, in “Hesperia” 86 (2017), pp. 205-271.

H) S. Barrier, La Romanisation en question. Vaisselle céramique et processus d’acculturation à la fin de l’age du fer en Gaule interne. Chapitre I- Problématique, historiographie et options, pp. 17-30.

I) J. Remesal Rodrìguez, I provvedimenti annonari: la Baetica, l’olio per Roma e il Monte Testaccio, in Roma Universalis. L’Impero e la dinastia venuta dall’Africa, pp. 232-241. On the web: https://www.academia.edu/38101280/I_provvedimenti_annonari_la_Baetica_lolio_per_Roma_e_il_Monte_Testaccio

L) D. Malfitana, Archeologia della produzione e diritto romano. Il marchio ARRETINVM: copyright, falsificazione o messaggio pubblicitario? In in Minima Epigraphica et Papyrologica, XII-XV (2009-2012), pp. 201-212. On the web:


NOT ATTENDING STUDENTS: Students who will not be able to attend the course will be required to read the above mentioned texts in letters

A), B) (both limited to the pages indicated),

D) (choosing one of the two articles)

Two of the above listed lectures, indicated in letters C), E), F) , G), H), I), L). However, they are invited to contact the Professor before starting the exam preparation, for further clarification.

Teaching methods

The lessons will be seminar and students will be asked to participate actively and to intervene with observations and personal contributions.

In order to facilitate the identification of the ceramics classes presented, during the lessons will be given the opportunity to manipulate ceramics from different sites.

During the lessons some in-depth readings can be reported to be related and commented together in the lessons.

Some cycles of additional lessons, held by researchers actively involved in the field, can also be organized, dedicated to some provincial sites subject to research in progress of particular specific interest.

The presentations of the lessons and other teaching materials will be made available in the appropriate spaces of the course website.

Assessment methods

The assessment of learning will take place through individual interviews. The student must prove that he possesses the basic notions of the Roman provinces. On the basis of the lessons followed, the student must be able to explain the various urban planning solutions adopted in the various provinces, highlighting similarities and differences. He will also have to show that he is able to use material culture to reconstruct the economic dynamics of the Empire. The verification will also involve a punctual query on all the texts indicated in the bibliographic program.

To non-attending students, in addition to the teaching objectives set out, will also be required a specific in-depth study of the bibliographic material appropriately assigned by the teacher to supplement the non-attendance of the lessons.

Proper argumentation and the use of an appropriate language will be essential requirements for obtaining top marks.

Teaching tools

Nell'ambito delle lezioni verrà fornito materiale didattico e verranno utilizzate presentazioni ppt. queste saranno messe a disposizione degli studenti.

Office hours

See the website of Anna Gamberini